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Let's Talk Cattle 2021

Let's Talk Cattle 2021

The Teagasc Drystock Specialists invite you to join them in a new series of Cattle and Sheep webinars for 2021. These are live monthly interactive webinars. The first is Let's Talk Cattle on Thursday 14th January at 8 pm focusing on Care of the Purchased Dairy Beef Calf. Registration details below

Our first Let's Talk Cattle webinar this year will commence on Thursday the 14th of January at 8pm and will focus on care of the purchased dairy beef calf. The main 2021 calving season is fast approaching and with dairy cow numbers increasing year on year there will be a large supply of calves available to purchase during the February to April period. Joining Beef Specialist Alan Dillon on the webinar will be Suzanne Naughton, a vet with MSD who will discuss best practice for managing the health of these calves from purchase to weaning. Suzanne will highlight the main areas where management can be improved in calves to avoid serious setbacks and high levels of mortality. As with previous webinars there will be an opportunity for viewers to interact live with Suzanne using the Q & A platform. 

Thursday, 14 January  |  8pm

Care of the Purchased Dairy Beef Calf


Let's Talk Cattle Webinars

Thursday, 11 February  |  8pm - Preparing for the Calving Season

Thursday, 18 March |  8pm - Targeting Early Turnout to Grass on Beef Farms 


The first Let's Talk Sheep webinar this year will commence on Thursday the 4th of February at 8pm 

Let's Talk Sheep Webinars

Thursday, 4 February  |  8pm - Reducing Mortality at Lambing Time

Thursday, 11 March |  8pm - Grazing Management from Turnout to Weaning


There will be one Cattle webinar per month and one Sheep webinar per month. Click on the following links to browse and register for these Cattle & Sheep webinars  www.teagasc.ie/letstalkcattle OR www.teagasc.ie/letstalksheep