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The key points for sourcing, rearing and weaning calves

With calving kicking off on many dairy farms, Teagasc DairyBeef 500 Advisor, Tommy Cox features on this week’s Beef Edge podcast to discuss the key areas you need to focus on when sourcing, rearing and weaning calves.

There are over 2,500 calves reared across the country on DairyBeef 500 farms and Tommy highlights that, in addition to the physical health of the calf, it is important to look at the Commercial Beef Value (CBV) to get an insight into the genetic make-up of the calf.

After transporting the calf, electrolytes are given for its first feed and the calf is monitored. Tommy discusses the feeding regime and getting the rumen set up for the grazing season ahead.

While ventilation is important in the calf shed, it is critical to avoid any draughts. Early diagnosis and disease prevention are important to the lifelong health of the calf. Tommy outlines a number of  protocols being carried out on farms.

The welfare and safety of the farmer has to be addressed also and Tommy discusses ways to reduce labour and stress and increase safety in the system.

Listen in below:

For more episodes from the Beef Edge podcast, produced on behalf of Teagasc by LastCastMedia.com, visit the show page.

CalfCare Events

CalfCare events are held each January to keep farmers informed of best practice husbandry and management practices to deliver best performance from calves in their care. Rearing healthy calves has always been the focus of CalfCare events and 2024 will be no different. However, for the first time, a new dimension will be introduced as beef farmers rearing dairy beef calves will host some of the events.

Both beef and dairy farm performance is built on the foundation of good calf rearing and all farmers rearing calves are encouraged to attend to prepare for 2024 rearing period.

For details on these events, click here.

Upcoming DairyBeef 500 webinars

The DairyBeef 500 team will also host a series of webinars on calf rearing, featuring industry experts, advisors and farmers. The first webinar will take place on Tuesday, January 16, and will focus on ‘Preparation for Calf Rearing in 2024’, while the second webinar, taking place on Tuesday, January 30, will focus on ‘Sourcing and Feeding Dairy Beef Calves in 2024’.

Register for these webinars here.