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Tillage Update 16th September 2021

Tillage Update 16th September 2021

Ciaran Collins, Tillage Specialist brings us this week's tillage update. He discusses the DAFM cereal recommended lists for 2022, Integrated Pest Management planning (IPM). Ciaran also has details about the upcoming Winter Malting Barley webinar and Autumn Farm walks next week

Variety selection is a key component of any growers Integrated Pest Management plan (IPM) or good farm practice and growers are advised to look below the top line yield figures when evaluating any variety.

Good disease ratings are essential to reducing fungicide input but also to avoiding yield loss when disease outbreaks occur. Straw ratings and resistance to sprouting are critical characteristics as high potential can be undone by adverse or broken harvest weather.  It is all about find the correct balance for your farm and not relying solely on one variety.

DAFM cereal recommended lists for 2022

The DAFM cereal recommended lists for 2022 were released recently. You can view John Joe Byrne’s presentation at the Teagasc Tillage Forum here below.

There are ten varieties to choose from on the winter barley list. The list has two new varieties provisionally recommended, KWS Tardis and the BYDV tolerant KWS Joyau.

The winter wheat recommended list has one new addition, Spearhead is provisionally recommended. The winter oat list has just three varieties recommended, Barra, Husky and WPB Isabel.  

See attached link to the recommended lists for 2022 DAFM cereal recommended lists for 2022

IPM is a fundamental component of the Sustainable Use of Pesticides (SUD) directive that targets reducing the risks and impacts of pesticide use on human health and the environment. 

IPM approach to variety selection

  • Look below the top line yield figures when evaluating any variety
  • Select a variety with good disease resistance.
  • Avoid planting a large area of one variety.
  • Avoid early planting. Planting in mid-October significantly reduces disease, BYDV, and grass weed pressure over end of September planting.
  • Tiller number is temperature driven so seed rates need to be higher when planting later in the season.
  • Thousand grain weights are lower than 2020 so adjust seed rates accordingly.

Winter Malting Barley Webinar

Teagasc, in conjunction with Boortmalt, will hold a short online webinar on the topic of Winter Malting Barley on Monday, September 20th at 10am.

Topics and speakers will include:

  1. Report from winter malting barley variety and nitrogen rate trial in Oak Park
    Dr. Richie Hackett, Crops Researcher, Teagasc Oak Park
  2. Growers experience and agronomy of growing winter malt
    Eoin Lyons, Teagasc/Boortmalt Joint Program Advisor and John Crowley, Tillage Farmer, Wexford
  3. Varieties and seed availability for the coming season
    Tom Bryan, Technical Manager, Boortmalt

IASIS credits are available (Zoom login is necessary to receive points)

Autumn Farm Walks

These walks will look at key agronomic decisions for farmers in the coming months. Among the topics being discussed are;

  • Weed and BYDV control in winter cereals
  • Managing organic manures and nutrients

All attendees are required to register beforehand. The events will take place on the following farms;

  • Monday 20th Sept @ 11am; Tom Barry, Kilavullen, Co. Cork Eircode P51 HP70. To Register call 021-4631898
  • Tuesday 21st Sept @ 11am; Donal McGrath, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary Eircode E91 AY81. To Register call 052-6121300
  • Wednesday 22nd Sept @ 11am; Simon Neville, Blackwater, Co. Wexford Eircode Y21 C443. To Register call 053-9171350
  • Thursday 23rd Sept @ 3pm; Tom Tierney, Prosperous, Co. Kildare Eircode W91 A218. To Register call 045-879203

Tillage Edge Podcast

You can now listen here to the latest Teagasc Tillage Edge podcast on: 'Day 1 of the National Crops Forum on varieties, septoria and grain markets'

Day 1 of the National Crops Forum highlighted important information on varieties, septoria and grain markets which is worth listening to if you missed it the first time around. On this week’s Tillage Edge podcast you’ll hear the questions and answers between Michael Hennessy and the speakers.

The new varieties of winter barley, wheat and oats were discussed, as well as the influence of sowing dates on septoria control for the season with John Joe Byrne from the Department of Agriculture and Teagasc’s Stephen Kildea.

Phelim Dolan, from Comex McKinnon, shared his thoughts on the prospects for grain for the coming months.  He strongly suggests all growers look closely at markets and take a profit when it’s there as it may not be around for long.

For more episodes and information from the Tillage Edge podcast go to: www.teagasc.ie/thetillageedge  The Tillage Edge podcast has all the latest news and insights for tillage farmers. Please pass on any podcast suggestions or feedback you may have to improve The Tillage Edge!

Find out more information and advice from the Teagasc Crops team hereThe Teagasc Crops Specialists issue an article on a topic of interest to tillage farmers every Thursday on Teagasc Daily