
Early intervention key with problem cows
Submitting cows for service is an important aspect of the breeding season, with a target of 90% submitted in the first three weeks. In this article, Teagasc Dairy Specialist Stuart Childs explains why now is the time for managing problem cows on your farm to maximise this target.
08 May 2023
Completing a simple winter feed budget for a dairy herd
Silage accounts for at least 25% of the annual feed budget for the average spring-calving dairy herd. This will be greater on farms operating high grazing stocking rates or on heavy soils.
08 May 2023

Improved pregnancy rates from sexed semen
Carried out over a five-year period, the most comprehensive analysis of the performance of sexed semen in a commercial field setting ever undertaken has shown improvements in the pregnancy rates being achieved.
07 May 2023

Setting the sights on milking quality silage in Co. Mayo
Donal Ronayne is in his third year of milk production, milking a herd of 194 spring-calving cows in south Mayo.
06 May 2023

Managing late-calving cows to shorten calving interval
The management of late calvers is something that needs to be given some thought in order to avoid them calving late again or not at all. The bulk of herds will commence breeding in late April / early May, there will be a number of herds that will commence breeding earlier.
02 May 2023

Let's Talk Dairy - Advisor's update from the grassroots
On this episode of Let's Talk Dairy host James Dunne, Teagasc Dairy Specialist, is joined by Seamus Nolan, Teagasc Advisor based in the Roscommon/Longford Advisory Region, to give an update from the grass roots.
02 May 2023

Managing the dairy herd for a successful breeding season
With the dairy breeding season currently in full swing on most Irish dairy farms, Kevin O'Hara, Teagasc Ballinrobe, looks at some of the key targets farmers need to achieve over the coming weeks.
01 May 2023

Accelerating genetic gain in the dairy herd
The calving season in the dairy herd is coming to an end and the breeding season is fast approaching. In this article, Séamus Nolan, Dairy Advisor in Teagasc Castlerea, outlines technologies farmers can use to accelerate the genetic gain in their dairy herd.
28 April 2023

Caution urged as ‘small number of local clusters’ of BVD identified
Caution has been urged as the Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) eradication programme approaches a particularly critical juncture.
26 April 2023

Implications of revised nitrates measures on the land market
The SCSI/Teagasc Annual Agricultural Land Market Review & Outlook 2023, published today, April 25th, examined the impact changes to environmental policies – specifically the Nitrates Action Programme – will have on the land market.
25 April 2023

Synchronisation programmes for replacement heifers
With the breeding season having commenced on many dairy farms, the use of synchronisation programmes for replacement heifers may be one avenue by which the workload involved with breeding is reduced.
24 April 2023

Let's Talk Dairy - matching stocking rate to grass grown
On this episode of Let's Talk Dairy, Patrick Gowing, Teagasc Dairy Specialist, was joined by Eugene Lawler, dairy farmer, to discuss matching stocking rate to grass grown.
24 April 2023

Teagasc Signpost Advisory Programme open to participants
Most of the actions you are being asked to implement to reduce emissions will also reduce costs, improve animal performance and increase farm profitability. It’s a win-win for your farm.
20 April 2023

Making the rest of 2023 a success with grass and breeding
Spring 2023 started like a dream, with slurry, fertiliser and cows out in February and early March. However, since about the 10th March, record breaking rainfall has created a lot of extra work, increased costs and reduced production on all farms - especially heavy farms.
17 April 2023

Let's Talk Dairy - Breeding beef from the dairy herd
On this episode of Let's Talk Dairy which took place on Thursday, 6th April, host James Dunne, Teagasc Dairy Specialist was joined by Ruth Fennell, Teagasc Dairy Advisor to discuss breeding beef from the dairy herd.
17 April 2023

Strategies to reduce lameness on your farm
Lameness is a painful disease that results in suffering for dairy cows, and damages the sustainable and welfare-friendly image of Irish agriculture. Lameness also has negative financial implications due to reduced milk yield and fertility rates, and increased culling and treatment costs.
17 April 2023

Feeding for fertility this breeding season
This spring was a game of two halves, in terms of herd feeding management. The good weather in February saw cows out to grass and intakes were good overall.
16 April 2023

Rebuilding of fodder stocks a priority
A challenging March has caused issues for dairy, drystock and tillage farmers, attendees heard at yesterday’s meeting of the Fertiliser Sub-group of the National Food and Fodder Security Committee in Teagasc Oak Park, Co. Carlow.
14 April 2023
Playing a crucial role in the environmental and economic success of dairy, beef and sheep
Genetics is an essential field to the future of the farming industry in Ireland. With new environmental targets being set nationwide, predicting animal characteristics may prove instrumental.
14 April 2023
Harvesting the benefits of clover swards
Patrick O’Neill farms in partnership with his father Tom, 5km north of Edgeworthstown, Co. Longford. They milk approximately 115 cows, supply Lakeland Dairies, and rear their own replacements.
07 April 2023

Let's Talk Dairy: Tirlán Focus Farmer update
On this episode of Let's Talk Dairy, George Ramsbottom, Teagasc Dairy Specialist, was joined by Steven Fitzgerald, Co. Waterford dairy farmer and Teagasc/Tirlán Future Farm Programme participant, to get an update on what's been happening on the farm.
06 April 2023

Setting a clear breeding strategy in Co. Kilkenny
As part of Dairy Breeding Week, Teagasc hosted a farm walk on the farm of Philip Donohoe, Goresbridge, Co. Kilkenny. In this article, Teagasc Dairy Advisor, Kevin Brennan, Oak Park, Carlow, outlines the main topics discussed.
06 April 2023

3 tools to breed better beef from the dairy herd
A historical preference of selecting beef sires for use on the dairy herd based solely on calving ease and short gestation resulted in the deterioration of the beef merit of the resulting calves.
04 April 2023

Watch: The advantages of sexed semen usage
Sex-biased semen is a revolutionary technology that provides many potential advantages for the Irish dairy industry, which Dr. Stephen Butler, Teagasc Principal Research Officer in reproductive physiology, discussed during Teagasc Breeding Week.
04 April 2023

Correct fertiliser application rates and cutting dates for first-cut silage
What happens on farm over the next few weeks will have a significant impact to silage stocks on dairy farms for next winter. James Dunne, Teagasc Dairy Specialist, offers key advice on fertiliser application rates in this article.
03 April 2023

Breeding quality calves for repeat custom in Co. Meath
Conor Smith milks 250 cows with his parents in Carlanstown, Co. Meath, producing 530kg of milk solids per cow last year from a herd of predominately high EBI Holstein Friesian cows. The herd’s average EBI value is €184.
03 April 2023

The EBI: An Economic Breeding Index for the future
Breeding boasts the advantage of being a proven technology that has clearly been demonstrated over decades to be able to deliver changes in performance.
02 April 2023

Improving beef potential from the dairy herd
Regardless of cow type, there is the potential within dairy herds for a better beef breeding policy, Dr. Nicky Byrne, dairy beef researcher in Teagasc Grange, told the recent DairyBeef 500 Spring Conference in Navan, Co. Meath.
01 April 2023

TAMS 3: Animal Welfare and Nutrient Storage Scheme open
Applications are now open for the TAMS 3 Animal Welfare and Nutrient Storage Scheme (AWNSS), which provides grants to farmers to build and/or improve a specified range of farm buildings and equipment on their holding.
31 March 2023

Deadline for dairy ‘banding’ submissions
Today, March 31st, 2023, is the final day for farmers to submit information to the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, to validate a farmer’s nitrogen excretion band.
31 March 2023