
The Cullinane Monitor Farm in West Cork
John and Veronica Cullinane are dairy farming with their three children; Eoin, Aoife and Laura in Ballineen. Co Cork. They milk 140 cows on a milking platform of 53 hectares and farm outside blocks for replacement heifers and silage. Aoife Healy, Teagasc Dairy advisor discusses their April tasks
27 April 2022

Grass10 Newsletter - 26th April 2022
In this week's Grass10 e-newsletter; PastureBase Ireland growth figures, Grass10 Weekly Tips, Grass growth and soil temperature predictions, Grass10 Farmer David Gannon, Red clover for silage swards and Aidan Maguire, Drystock GFOTY on measuring grass. Sign up for the weekly e-newsletter here
27 April 2022

Should you consider clover in 2022?
Vincent Ronayne, Teagasc Advisor Ballinrobe, notes that Clover offers an alternative to expensive artificial fertilisers and helps towards Environmental Sustainability. Incorporating clover in grassland swards can to reduce costs, improve profitability and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
27 April 2022

Alternative Forage Crops for Winter 2022
Many farmers will question an article about next year’s winter fodder supply while they still possibly have stock in sheds. But given the exceptional rise in input costs, it's now time to plan for adequate winter feed. Kevin O’Hara, Education Officer, Teagasc Ballinrobe advises on alternative crops
26 April 2022

Calving date impacts on feed and forage costs
In 2020 & 2021, 29% of spring-calving dairy cows calved between April and June. Teagasc’s target is that only 10% of spring calving cows should calve in April to June – and these should all calve in April, not in May and June. George Ramsbottom, Teagasc dairy specialist explains the recommendations
26 April 2022

Donal Kavanagh Teagasc/Glanbia Signpost Future Farm Walk
The Signpost Programme, led by Teagasc, ran a farm walk recently in conjunction with programme partner Glanbia Ireland, on the dairy farm of Donal Kavanagh, Carrigeen, Baltinglass. Catch up on the farm details, breeding plans and herd health of the farm here in this article and series of videos
25 April 2022

Monitoring Cash Flow in 2022
Patrick Gowing, Teagasc Dairy Specialist at Moorepark, discusses the importance of cash flow management. Patrick explains how to complete the Teagasc 5 minute cash flow worksheet in a video here. The 5 minute cash flow is easy to use and will give you a snap shot of how your finances are looking
25 April 2022

Planning for Fodder Stocks Factsheet
Teagasc recently published a compendium of 20 factsheets providing the latest technical advice on soils, nutrients and fertiliser. The eleventh of these is about Planning for Fodder Stocks and can be read here. All 20 will be published here on Teagasc Daily
24 April 2022

The Signpost Series - Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Cattle & Pig Manure
On this episode of the Signpost Series which took place on Friday, 8th April, Mark Gibson, Head of Teagasc Outreach & Innovation Department was joined by Dr. Stephen Nolan, PIGergy Project & Mr. Shaun Connolly, GEBTech Project to discuss Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Cattle & Pig Manure.
23 April 2022

Teagasc /FBD Student of the Year Awards 2021
Dave Moloney from County Cork is the 2021 Teagasc/FBD Student of the Year. The awards were presented by Charlie McConalogue TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine in Dublin today Thursday, 21 April 2022.
22 April 2022

The Clover Reporter is Trevor Boland
This week the Clover Reporter return to Trevor Boland for an update on his current grass situation and to find out his clover management plan for existing and new swards. Trevor's Top Tip for Clover in April: Graze paddocks down tight and follow with clover by oversowing, using half rate nitrogen
21 April 2022

Save Slurry for Silage Fields
Christy Watson, Teagasc drystock advisor, Co. Kildare, has good advice here in this article and video on recycling slurry from the farm back onto the silage fields in planning for next winter's fodder. Slurry can provide much of the Phosphorus and Potassium requirements for silage and reduce costs
21 April 2022

Would you like to work as a Farm Research Technician with Teagasc?
Teagasc has a vacancy for a Farm Research Technician (Temporary contract) at Clonakilty Agricultural College, Co Cork. Candidates must have a QQI Level 6 qualification in agriculture/dairy herd management or equivalent qualification. Read for details of post and salary. Closing date 27th April 2022
21 April 2022

Grass10 Newsletter - 19th April 2022
In this week's Grass10 e-Newsletter the Grass10 team introduce the 2021 Grassland Farmer of the Year Awards with Grass10 Featured Farmer -Colin Doherty Overall and Dairy GFOTY 2021. Aidan Maguire was crowned 2021 Drystock GFOTY. Also get the regular Grass10 Weekly Checklist, PBI figures and more
20 April 2022

Summer weight gains critical with input price uncertainty
The efficient utilisation of grazed grass forms the backbone of profitable calf to beef systems. Depending on the steer or heifer system being employed, it can account for between 52% and 73% of the animal’s overall diet. Sean Cummins, Teagasc GreenAcres Advisor discusses summer weight gain
20 April 2022

Peter O'Hanrahan Signpost DairyBeef farmer
Peter O Hanrahan operates a dairy calf to beef system in partnership with his father Thomas in Kiljames, Thomastown, Co.Kilkenny. Enda McLoughlin, Teagasc Drystock Advisor, sums up grassland management, soil sampling, Preparation for Calves arriving on the farm and Health and Vaccination programme
20 April 2022

Ballyhaise College Farm Enterprises
Ballyhaise College is located 8km north of Cavan town. It is situated on an estate of 220 hectares of grass and woodlands. The college farm comprises od a dairy herd, suckler cow herd, sheep flock and 50 hectares of diverse woodlands. The college has joint courses with DkIT
19 April 2022

Cow selection for 2022 breeding season
Each year bull selection is discussed at good lengths & rightly so, but what about cow selection? The genetic potential of an animal initially comes from the average of both sire & dam figures. Dairy Specialist Martina Gormley has advice on cow selection.
18 April 2022

Environment Newsletter - April 2022
The latest edition of the Environment newsletter has information on: Dates for your diary; Wild bird cover - sowing and management; Message from ASSAP - Time to check silage storage; and details on the new training scheme - Agri-Environment Training Scheme (AETS).
16 April 2022

With input costs increasing in 2022, this is an important year for grassland farmers to renew their emphasis on clover establishment, but combine this with improved grazing management. Teagasc Advisor Joanne Masterson has some advice on establishing and managing clover
16 April 2022

Grassland Farmer of the Year 2021
The Overall Winner of the Grassland Farmer of the Year 2021 is Colin Doherty, Adare, Co Limerick. The awards recognise and reward the top grassland farmers in the country who are growing and utilising more grass on their farms in a sustainable manner.
15 April 2022

Pat and Sean Kelly - EBI Report
Today's Dairy Breeding focus is on the EBI Report. Dairy Advisor Padraig Costigan goes through some of the important figures on this farm which has one of the best EBIs in the country.
14 April 2022

Pat and Sean Kelly - Cows with different milk sub-indexes and Heat Behaviour
The breeding focus for today is on cows with different milk sub-index and what this means in terms of income. Dairy Specialist George Ramsbottom gives more information. Heat behaviour and time of AI is the topic covered by Stuart Childs Dairy Specialist.
13 April 2022

Grass10 Newsletter - 12th April 2022
This week's Grass10 e-Newsletter includes: PastureBase Ireland - Dairy and Drystock Figures; Predicted Grass Growth & Soil Temperatures; Grass10 Weekly Checklist; Grass10 Featured Farmer - Michael Gowen; The Clover Reporter with Trevor Boland; and information on the Clover Farm Walk Series.
13 April 2022

SmartCow Project linking European Research Infrastructures successfully
The SmartCow final conference took place on Wednesday, 6 April in Brussels, with the findings from the SmartCow consortium during the past four years presented.
12 April 2022

Pat and Sean Kelly - Cow and bull selection
The focus of the second part of the breeding series is on the key targets when selecting sires and dams of the next generation of dairy replacements. Dairy Specialist George Ramsbottom details what needs to be considered.
12 April 2022

Pat and Sean Kelly - Herd details and performance
Over the coming week Dairy Daily with George Ramsbottom, Dairy Specialist, will focus on the breeding performance and genetic merit of the dairy cows on the farm of Pat and Sean Kelly, Arrabawn Suppliers from Kilruane, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary. Today's video is on herd details and performance
11 April 2022

Sustainability Training Programme for Farmers and Co-operatives wins Top Accolade at National Training Awards
A ‘game changing’ new programme addressing the training and development needs of co-operatives and their farmer members and producers, as they work to reduce their carbon footprint, has won the prestigious Pearse Walsh Award.
11 April 2022

The Clover Reporter is Jim White
This week's The Clover Reporter returns to the farm of Jim White, Clonmel Co. Tipperary. Jim recently held a Clover Farm Walk on his farm. He outlines his clover plan for 2022 and his top tip for Clover in April.
10 April 2022

Longer days, more work, greater danger
Spring is here, and with it peak workload. Reduce your risk of injury or even death with some simple precautions. Francis Bligh and John McNamara Teagasc Health and Safety specialists have suggestions for keeping safe at calving time, when handling slurry and around machinery here
10 April 2022