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Top five tips for dairy farmers this July

Top five tips for dairy farmers this July

Joe Patton, Head of Dairy Knowledge Transfer, gives his top five tips for dairy farmers this July.

1. Winter feed budget

With more fodder used than normal last winter, and relatively poor grass growth to date this year, it is important to complete a feed budget for the coming winter. Acting early will leave more options available to rectify the situation.

2. Keep focused on grass

It is important to continue to walk the farm regularly to assess grass availability and quality. Target a pre grazing yield of 1,300-1,400kg DM/ha. Maximising grass quality in front of the herd will maximise yield and allow for savings in concentrate usage. 

3. End the breeding season

Cows bred in July will not calve until mid to late April. Late-calving cows are less profitable – minimise the late tail on next year’s calving season by sticking to your planned end of breeding season date.

4. Plan for oversowing clover

Identify paddocks that you would like to oversow with clover next year. Use the remainder of this year to rectify pH and weed issues to have the best possible chance for success next year.

5. Take time off

It has been a tough year both physically and mentally for farmers and their families. Arrange to take some time off to recharge your batteries. 

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