Environment Newsletter - April 2022

The latest edition of the Environment newsletter has information on: Dates for your diary; Wild bird cover - sowing and management; Message from ASSAP - Time to check silage storage; and details on the new training scheme - Agri-Environment Training Scheme (AETS).
View Environment Newsletter - April 2022 here (PDF)
In this edition:
- Dates for your diary
- Farmers in REAP
- Farmers in GLAS
- Wild bird cover
Sowing and management:- fine, firm seedbed essential;
- any cultivation method allowed, provided successful crop establishment;
- pre-sowing weed control may be necessary;
- plough, harrow and roll as necessary;
- drill or broadcast – lower seed rate if drilling; and,
- fertilise at half prescribed rate.
- Message from ASSAP - Time to check silage storage
Clean slab thoroughly (power wash) to check. Complete repairs to Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) specifications. Store only the amount of silage that the slab or pit is capable of storing safely. Do not allow ensiled grass to extend onto or over effluent channels. Effluent must enter channels under the polythene cover. - New training scheme: AETS
The Agri-Environment Training Scheme (AETS) is a new voluntary environmental training scheme which aims to:- train farmers in environmental practices and standards;
- encourage participation in future environmental schemes; and,
- promote awareness of farm safety.