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Increasing biodiversity on intensive farms

Increasing biodiversity on intensive farms

Wildlife habitats such as hedgerows, field margins, ponds, wetlands, and woodlands, commonly occur on Irish farms. The retention of existing habitats is vitally important, as they typically deliver greater ecological benefits compared with newly created habitats.

Wildlife habitats are vital to ecology, but they also provide important benefits - commonly referred to as ecosystem services - to agricultural systems, including:

  • nutrient cycling in soil
  • flood prevention
  • regulation of pests and diseases
  • pollination
  • carbon storage

Daire Ó hUallacháin, Aoife Leader and Stephanie Maher have information on maintaining and retaining habitats.

Research and policy agendas are focusing more on sustainable management of agricultural land. These policies are recognising the need to increase production to cope with increasing food demands. They also highlight that the environment and ecosystem services need not be compromised. The Farm to Fork Strategy and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) identify the pressing need for effective methods for biodiversity conservation, as part of the development of sustainable production systems. Grass-based farming systems in Ireland are well positioned in terms of the wildlife they support. It is estimated that natural and semi-natural habitats constitute over 6-7% of the intensive grass-based farm area. This bodes well in relation to anticipated recommendations under the Agri-Food Strategy, whereby all farms may be expected to retain a certain quantity of habitats.

Protect existing habitats

The retention of existing habitats is vitally important, as they typically deliver greater ecological benefits compared with newly created habitats. Farmers should first aim to retain and optimise the ecological quality of existing farmland habitats, before establishing new biodiversity or carbon initiatives. Whilst existing habitats should be protected from intensive agricultural management, some semi-natural habitats benefit from reduced farm management, e.g. light grazing of extensive grasslands prevents the area from scrubbing over. More frequently occurring habitats such as hedgerows also benefit from a reduction in management. Revising cutting practices to generate a tall hedgerow structure, with flowering trees, provides multiple environmental benefits. Avoiding fertiliser, slurry and herbicide application along field and watercourse margins is beneficial for biodiversity and water quality.

New measures

Where there is a lack of existing habitats on a farm, new measures can be designed and targeted to provide multiple benefits for biodiversity, water quality and carbon storage. All farmers can help protect the quantity and quality of wildlife habitats. Effective implementation of such measures can play an important role in the reversal of biodiversity decline and ensure the continued delivery of crucial ecosystem services. In addition, such approaches can offer significant marketing opportunities to Irish farmers and retailers in terms of capitalising on Ireland’s reputation for sustainable production systems.

Moorepark Open Days September 14th, 15th and 16th. Find out more here