Launch of new Sustainable Fertiliser training course for agri-professionals

Teagasc, in collaboration with the ICOS Skillnet and the fertiliser industry, has developed a 20 hour blended training course in Sustainable Fertiliser for professionals involved in the sale, purchasing and advice relating to fertilisers.
The purpose of this course is to develop the awareness of participants in the areas of sustainable fertiliser use, soils nutrition, Irish and EU legislation, farm nutrient planning and practical fertiliser use on the farm.
Attending the launch today, Mark Plunkett, Soil and Plant Nutrition Specialist in Teagasc, said; “Teagasc welcomes the opportunity to provide this training to the fertiliser industry as we all work together to reduce gaseous emissions from Irish agriculture. The training is delivered by Teagasc experts through the Teagasc ConnectEd programme which delivers training and knowledge programmes to businesses and professionals working with the agri-food sector.”
“ICOS Skillnet is delighted to launch the sustainable fertiliser use programme for Co-op staff involved in agri-trading who play a key role in supporting and assisting farmers with their decisions around fertiliser use. ICOS Skillnet is committed to developing new approaches and training options for our Co-op members in response to the increasing regulatory, legislative and market requirements facing the sector and key to this is a strong partnership with Teagasc and the Signpost Farm Programme,” according to Billy Goodburn from ICOS.
Speaking at the launch, Eamonn Farrell, ICOS said; “There are 13 Co-ops and over 30 employees participating in the inaugural programme, which demonstrates the firm commitment by the sector to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving water quality. The involvement of Teagasc and the Fertiliser Association has been key to the design of a programme that will be of huge benefit to Co-ops and in turn their farmer members and customers.”
Pictured at the Launch of a new Sustainable Fertiliser training course for agri-professionals delivered by Teagasc in association with ICOS were (l to r): Eamonn Farrell, ICOS, Sheila Quinn, Teagasc, Mark Plunkett, Teagasc, Seamus Kearney, Teagasc, Billy Goodburn, ICOS.