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Record 3 (Movement of Slurry/FYM ) goes online

Record 3 (Movement of Slurry/FYM ) goes online

Farmers exceeding a stocking rate of 170kgs of organic N (Nitrogen from livestock), who do not avail of a Nitrates Derogation must export slurry / FYM off the farm to avoid penalties and notify DAFM. Séamus Nolan, Dairy Advisor Teagasc Castlerea explains that this Record 3 process is now online only

The Nitrates regulations impose a stocking rate limit of 170kgs of organic N (Nitrogen from livestock), which is the equivalent of less than 2 dairy cows per hectare, on all farms nationally.  Most farming enterprises are extensive in nature and can comfortably operate within this limit.

Nitrates Derogation

Approximately 6500 farmers apply for the Nitrates Derogation annually which allows them to stock up to 250Kgs N/Ha.  Roughly an equivalent amount of farmers exceed the 170 limit annually but are not in a Nitrates Derogation.  To avoid penalties these farmers must export slurry / FYM to less intensive farms.  By exporting slurry they are moving organic N from their farm to another farm thereby reducing their own stocking rate. 

Record 3 Form

This movement of slurry / FYM has to be recorded with the Department of Agriculture each year before 31st of December.  Up to now the method of recording this was via a Record 3 form which was signed by both the exporter and importer and contained details of the amount and timing of organic fertilizer moved.  This form was then sent to the DAFM for processing.

As of July 1st 2021 paper Record 3 forms via post or email will not be accepted by the Nitrates section of the Department. 

How the Online System will work

The system is moving fully online and will work as follows: 

  • Exporter or their agent will apply on AgFood to record movement of slurry / FYM and enter recipients herd number as the importer.
  • Importer will get a text from DAFM to alert him / her of the transaction and must then log on to Ag-Food and accept the movement.
  • If the importer is not registered for getting text messages from DAFM this is not a problem but the exporter must ensure the importer logs on to accept the movement.

Most slurry is exported early in the year.  It is advised to record the movement as soon as possible and avoid a glut of applications later in the year.

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