Farm Business
Fertiliser Spreader – Basic Setup and Calibration Factsheet
Teagasc recently published a compendium of 20 factsheets providing the latest technical advice on soils, nutrients and fertiliser. The fifteenth of these is about the Fertiliser Spreader – Basic Setup and Calibration and can be read here. All 20 will be published here on Teagasc Daily
15 May 2022
Award-winning Kylemore farmhouse cheese
Kylemore farmhouse cheese won the Sustainable Rural Innovation Award 2022 at the RDS Agriculture & Forestry Sustainability Awards recently. Anne Kinsella, Teagasc Rural Economy Development Programme, Athenry reports from her visit with Teresa Roche at her cheese-making business
14 May 2022
Sm@RT demonstrates digital technologies to improve efficiency of small ruminant production
With about 98 million small ruminant animals in the EU, of which 87% are sheep, small ruminant (sheep & goat) farming is important to the rural economy of many countries. Sm@rt aims to improve labour efficiency and productivity in the sector by promoting uptake of innovative digital technologies
13 May 2022
Forest recreation walks - don't miss out
The Teagasc and DAFM series of nationwide walks on Forest recreation continue up to May 20. Each walk is in the evening and will commence at 7pm. You can register for one of the four remaining walks in Laois, Roscommon, Sligo and Tipperary and get further details of each walk here
13 May 2022
Tillage Newsletter - May 2022
This month's Tillage Newsletter includes information on: Winter wheat, winter barley, spring barley disease control, beans, buffer zones, Basic Payment Scheme and Health & Safety - May is a high-risk month
12 May 2022
Direct selling from Castlemine Farm
The Allen family has been farming Castlemine Farm for five generations. The 250ac farm, located at Four Mile House in Co Roscommon produces pasture fed beef, lamb and free-range pork. Anne Kinsella, Teagasc Rural Economy Development Programme, Athenry visited the farm and farm shop to learn more
10 May 2022
27% of farmers in Ireland report their wellbeing was ‘poor’ or ‘below average’
A recent Irish study shows that 27% of farmers reported their wellbeing was ‘poor’ or ‘below average’ whilst a further study found that the most common sources of work related stress are weather, workload and money. Other issues causing stress include policy changes, regulation and farm succession.
10 May 2022
Commercial Apple Production
Irish apples have been grown commercially for over a century. Dessert apples are the most common type found in retail sales in Ireland. It should also be noted that the proportion of Irish apple retail sales through supermarkets has increased in recent decades. Find out more in this factsheet
08 May 2022
Helping farmers reduce energy use
Teagasc is engaged in an extensive range of research including national and international collaborations. Teagasc highlights the impacts of its latest research in "Research impact highlights in 2020". Dairy - reducing energy use is one such area as John Upton, Teagasc Researcher, Moorepark outlines
08 May 2022
Duck Production
Duck production is carried out largely in Monaghan, with Silver Hill Duck being the largest duck processor in Ireland, located in Emyvale, Co. Monaghan. On an annual basis, over four million ducks are produced in Ireland.
08 May 2022
Organic Farm Walk - Andrew and Leonie Workman, Dunany Organic Flour
On Wednesday 11th May at 12pm Andrew and Leonie Workman of Dunany Flour Organic in Drogheda, Co Louth will host an Organic Farm Walk. Here Elaine Leavy Teagasc Organic Specialist & John Brophy Business & Technology Advisor give some information on their farm enterprises
06 May 2022
Managing stress
The most valuable assets that any person has is their health and safety. With pig farmers facing into increasingly difficult times – be it financial, personal or professional – the one thing that shouldn’t be neglected is your mental health and well-being.
06 May 2022
Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) 2022 and Forestry
Once again, it is time to ensure your all-important Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) application is completed and submitted in good time. Teagasc recently launched a guidance video where Tom Houlihan, Forestry Specialist, explains how the BPS interacts with forestry and provides useful tips and checks
06 May 2022
Forest Recreation Walks in May 2022
Teagasc and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) will run a nationwide series of walks between 9 and 20 May focusing on forest recreation. These walks will celebrate private forests where the owner has developed a recreational element to his or her forest. Register here
03 May 2022
New strawberry varieties to complement ‘Malling Centenary’ - Webinar
Dr. Eamonn Kehoe, Teagasc Soft Fruit Advisor hosted an interactive seminar on Tuesday, 15th March which focused on the new strawberry varieties to complement ‘Malling Centenary’. Eamonn was joined by guest speaker Adam Whitehouse, Strawberry breeder, NIAB East Malling Research, East Malling, Kent.
01 May 2022
Dairying and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
AMR is a new challenge to the farming community and a risk to public health. Don Crowley, Teagasc Dairy advisor discusses antimicrobial resistance, how it develops and the importance of milk recording in the absence of preventative antimicrobials, on the dairy farm
29 April 2022
Perfecting potato disease predictions
Teagasc highlights the impacts of its latest research in "Research impact highlights in 2020". Research into potato blight undertaken by Steven Kildea and Mladen Čučak qualified as one of the highlights. Teagasc is engaged in an extensive range of research of national and international collaboration
29 April 2022
From costs to the weather, how stressed out are farmers?
Analysis: farmers and farm workers have been found to experience high levels of stress and relatively low levels of wellbeing.
This article by Mary Brennan, Emma Dillon and David Meredith, Teagasc and Thia Hennessy, UCC, was first published on RTÉ Brainstorm recently
28 April 2022
The Cullinane Monitor Farm in West Cork
John and Veronica Cullinane are dairy farming with their three children; Eoin, Aoife and Laura in Ballineen. Co Cork. They milk 140 cows on a milking platform of 53 hectares and farm outside blocks for replacement heifers and silage. Aoife Healy, Teagasc Dairy advisor discusses their April tasks
27 April 2022
Horticulture Crop Input Price Inflation 2022
Teagasc Horticulture Development Department have revised the figures on input price inflation first reported in November 2021, to reflect the full extent of inflation in the past twelve months up to March 31st, 2022.
26 April 2022
Monitoring Cash Flow in 2022
Patrick Gowing, Teagasc Dairy Specialist at Moorepark, discusses the importance of cash flow management. Patrick explains how to complete the Teagasc 5 minute cash flow worksheet in a video here. The 5 minute cash flow is easy to use and will give you a snap shot of how your finances are looking
25 April 2022
Making wood work
Teagasc is engaged in an extensive range of research including national and international collaborations. Teagasc highlights the impacts of its latest research in "Research impact highlights in 2020". Forestry is one such area as Niall Farrelly, Luka Kranjz and Annette Hart outline here
20 April 2022
SmartCow Project linking European Research Infrastructures successfully
The SmartCow final conference took place on Wednesday, 6 April in Brussels, with the findings from the SmartCow consortium during the past four years presented.
12 April 2022
Longer days, more work, greater danger
Spring is here, and with it peak workload. Reduce your risk of injury or even death with some simple precautions. Francis Bligh and John McNamara Teagasc Health and Safety specialists have suggestions for keeping safe at calving time, when handling slurry and around machinery here
10 April 2022
Managing Roadside Trees
The Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine has published guidance on managing roadside trees. Written by a panel of experts convened by the Tree Council, it presents a simple six-step process for landowners to follow. Co-author Eileen Woodbyrne summarises the advice and guidance in the booklet
09 April 2022
Beef Strategies for 2022
This year has seen price inflation particularly on key inputs such as fertiliser, feed and projected contractor costs. This creates another challenging year for beef farmers who have shown significant resilience to date. Colm Kelly, Drystock Adviser, Teagasc Ballinasloe suggests ways to manage this
08 April 2022
Teagasc Professional Diploma in Dairy Farm Management Open for Applications
Teagasc are accepting applications for the Professional Diploma in Dairy Farm Management course. Applications must be submitted by Friday, May 20th 2022.
07 April 2022
Red Clover Silage Measure
The Red Clover Silage Measure (RCSM) aims to encourage farmers to sow red clover silage swards. A payment will be made to participating Co-op/Agri-retailers to assist farmers with the cost of buying red clover silage sward seed mixtures. This will help with the establishment of these swards
06 April 2022
Plan Now to Relieve the Pain of Rising Farm Costs
With higher animal prices being offset by large increases in input costs such as fertiliser, meal, fuel and contractor charges, Andy Ryder, Drystock Advisor, Teagasc Westport advises on where farmers can make adjustments to maintain a level of output without input costs crippling farm profit
05 April 2022
Q and A - Meet Teagasc Director Frank O’Mara
Director of Teagasc Professor Frank O’Mara was appointed on 1 October 2021. He grew up on a farm at Lisronagh near Clonmel in south Tipperary and has lived in Carlow for the last 30 years. Mark Moore, Editor of Today's Farm introduces Teagasc Director Professor Frank O’Mara in an interview here
03 April 2022