Farm Business

Cattle Housing Ventilation
Temperatures close to 20°C in October highlighted the necessity for well-ventilated animal housing. Recent winters have been mild with few sub-zero temperatures. Recent heavy rainfall has forced some farmers to house cattle especially on wetter lands. Mayo advisor Brian Hughes advises on ventilation
13 November 2021

Creating Our Future
I’m sure you have seen or heard ads for the Creating Our Future initiative, which is a campaign being run by the government of Ireland to find out from the public what they think we should be doing scientific research on in the future.
09 November 2021

Digesting the Research- How do fruit and veg affect our digestive system?
Every cell in our body requires fuel to function. When we eat food, we get energy from carbohydrates, fats and proteins – these are called macronutrients. On top of that, food, especially fruit and veg, have a number of other micronutrients. Find out What’s New in Fruit & Veg from Teagasc scientists
09 November 2021

Generating bioplastics using haemoglobin from blood
On “10 Things to Know About … Blood”, airing tonight, Monday, 8 November, on RTÉ One Television at 8:30pm, presenter Aoibhinn Ní Shúilleabháin will meet Teagasc Researchers, Dr Anne Maria Mullen and Dr Carlos Alvarez, who have developed a method to generate bioplastics using haemoglobin from blood.
08 November 2021

Agriculture Climate Targets Challenging but Achievable
Teagasc is committed to continue its research and advisory programme supporting farmers to meet the reduction targets for greenhouse gas emissions set in the Government’s Climate Action Plan.
07 November 2021

Making the most of what you have!
Here Bernie Leahy, Drystock Advisor, Teagasc Galway considers The Parable of the Talents in the Bible, and likens it to Teagasc initiatives such as Signpost Programme and Farm Diversification which encourage farmers to be efficient, not wasteful, changing practices for the sake of the environment
07 November 2021
Meet Sharon an Irish Sport Horse young breeder
Sharon Mannion, Windgap Stud, Doon, Co. Offaly is an enthusiastic Irish Draught breeder. There were always Irish Draught horses on the family dairy & sheep farm now the main enterprise today. Sharon’s experience of the ISH Young Breeder training programme gave her valuable experience as she explains
04 November 2021

GLAS Funding allows Restoration of Clare Farm Outbuildings
Co. Clare suckler farmer Denis Clair, a GLAS participant was eligible to apply to the Heritage Council for the DAFM-funded Traditional Farm Buildings Grant Scheme, to restore & repair a number of historic outbuildings on his farm as Michael Dillon, Teagasc Advisor Kilrush and Helen Devitt outline
02 November 2021

Healthy Workplaces Lighten the Load
Last week was European Week for Safety & Health at Work themed: ‘Healthy Workplaces Lighten the Load’ - part of the Healthy Workplaces Campaign 2020-22. Francis Bligh & John McNamara, Teagasc Health and Safety Specialists take this opportunity to advise on avoiding work-related injury on the farm
02 November 2021

Organic Dairy Farm Open Day on the banks of the River Barrow
Joe & Alicia Whitty have been farming organically for 14 years now, but the biggest change to their farming system came in 2015 when they converted their mixed beef/pigs and tillage operation to organic dairying. The Whitty family hold an organic farm walk on Wednesday November 3rd at 11am.
28 October 2021

Options for Organic Tillage Growers
The second in a series of Autumn organic webinars, hosted by the Teagasc Organic Specialists, takes place on Wednesday, 27 October at 7:30pm and focuses on Options for Organic Tillage Growers. Register here
24 October 2021

Dan Geaney - ISH Young Breeders Programme
Dan Geaney grew up in Castleisland, Co. Kerry. His whole family are immersed in horses. His grandfather, Donal Geaney, most notably bred two time Olympic Eventer (2008 & 2012), and Olympic team gold winner in 2008, Mr Medicott. Dan shares his personal experiences of the ISH Young Breeders Programme
23 October 2021

The Signpost Series - Implications of climate neutrality for agriculture, land use & forestry in Ireland
On this episode of The Signpost Series, which took place on Friday, 8 October, Mark Gibson, Head of Teagasc Outreach & Innovation Department was joined by Dr. David Styles, University of Limerick to discuss the implications of climate neutrality for agriculture, land use & forestry in Ireland.
23 October 2021

Staggering improvements in pig performance
Irish herds are bigger, and animals more productive, than ever before. That's the summary from Gerard McCutcheon Teagasc Pig Development Department, Oak Park, in this interesting article, first published in Today's Farm, looking at pig performance and the changes in the Irish pig sector since 1959
21 October 2021

Managing BYDV Risk
Planting a mix of crops, having a range of sowing dates and applying fungicides to control disease are all examples of how tillage farmers can manage risk to their income. This autumn has demonstrated how people view risk. Ciaran Collins, Teagasc Crops Specialist has advice on BYDV risk management
21 October 2021

Do health when you are Young
On the final day of Ag Mental Health Week John McNamara, Teagasc Health & Safety Specialist looks at the health priorities of young farmers & advises that the younger the age that you start adopting health gain practices the better. He discusses Irish research in the last of his four articles
16 October 2021

Plastic recycling and investigations into packaging and shelf life of horticultural produce - Webinar
Dónall Flanagan, Teagasc Horticulture Development Dept hosted a recent webinar which focused on plastic recycling, investigations into packaging and shelf life of horticultural produce. Dónall was joined by Francis Peters, KDI Recycling; Jesus Maria Frias Celayeta, TUD and Lael Walsh, Teagasc
16 October 2021

Teagasc support for Suckler Producers
Addressing concerns raised by beef farmers in recent weeks, Teagasc Authority Chairman, Liam Herlihy said; “Teagasc policy is to support all farmers with the enterprise and production system they select for their farm by providing them with the information they need based on independent research
14 October 2021

Securing Positive Mental Health in Farming
Ag Mental Health Week runs to Saturday, Oct 16. This week Teagasc Daily brings you short articles from John McNamara, Teagasc Health & Safety Specialist, reminding farmers and all working in agriculture of the importance of mental health awareness. Article 3 focus is: Securing Positive Mental Health
14 October 2021

Teagasc and Dairy Sustainability Ireland publish ASSAP interim report
The second Agricultural Sustainability Support and Advisory Programme (ASSAP) interim report was published recently. The ASSAP programme is a key part of a wider government and community effort to improve water quality in 190 selected priority areas for action (PAA’s) around the country.
11 October 2021

Sustainable energy solutions in horticulture using solar PV and Heat Recovery - Webinar
Donal Gernon and Dónall Flanagan, Teagasc Horticulture Development Department hosted a webinar on Tuesday, 28 September which focused on sustainable energy solutions in horticulture using solar PV and Heat Recovery. They were joined by Local Power and European Industrial Chillers representatives
09 October 2021

Happy World Egg Day 2021
Happy World Egg Day 2021 from Teagasc Poultry. Today Friday 8 October, Teagasc joins egg fans worldwide to celebrate the power of the egg and all its nutritional and environmental benefits. Learn about Free Range Egg Production, the Let's Talk Poultry Webinar Series & Rebecca Tierney Poultry Advisor
08 October 2021

Tillage Update - 7th October 2021
Lower margins for 2022 with beans competing strongly with cereal crops is how Michael Hennessy, Head of Teagasc Crop Knowledge Transfer Department sums up this week's tillage update. He goes on to talk about fertiliser prices, grain price, expected yields in 2022 and factors to consider in budgeting
07 October 2021

Commuting before the pandemic
As some of us return to the work and college after 18 months of working from home, the September Map of the Month looks at pre-pandemic commuting patterns – highlighting how important regional towns are. It is interesting to think how the next survey of commuting will differ.
01 October 2021

Designing a sheep shed: Factsheet & Video
In this video & factsheet on Designing a sheep shed, Teagasc advisor, Edward Egan explains how the layout of a sheep shed should be planned before it’s built. He also explains how the layout of existing sheep sheds should be reviewed each year before the winter housing period.
01 October 2021

Transferring family farm - Where do I start?
Transferring the family farm is so much more than just a simple business transaction; there are a number of complex issues to be addressed. Catherine Egan, Beef Specialist, discusses how to handle family farm transfers, with insight from Teagasc Financial Management Specialist, James McDonnell.
29 September 2021

Is SCC rising in your herd?
Gráinne Hurley PhD, Teagasc/Dairygold Joint Program Advisor asks the question: Is Somatic Cell Count (SCC) rising in your herd? She has seen a noticeable increase in SCC across some herds within discussion groups recently. She gives reasons why SCC and mastitis cases increase in herds and more here
28 September 2021

Teagasc advisors first in Europe to achieve new European Certificate
Two Teagasc advisors are the first in Europe to be awarded the European CECRA certificate. Marie Flynn, Dairy Advisor based in Moorepark advisory office and Cian Condon, Drystock & Goat advisor based in Teagasc Manorhamilton were presented with their certificates by Teagasc KT Director Dr Stan Lalor
28 September 2021

Microbiology for non-microbiologists- training course from Teagasc Food Industry Development
On 7th and 14th October, Teagasc will run a virtual training workshop, part-funded by the Rural Food Skillnet, that will be of interest to food businesses and producers who would like to learn more about the essentials of food microbiology, interpreting lab reports, food expiry dates and more.
24 September 2021

“It’s like admitting you are a failure”: Male farmer mental health help-seeking limited by Masculinity and Identity
Irish male farmers experience some of the highest levels of adverse health outcomes relative to other occupations – particularly in relation to heart disease, cancers and mental health. Despite this, many farmers do not seek help until their illness reaches crisis point. Read a recent Irish study..
19 September 2021