Farm Business

Invest wisely following bumper harvest
Will this be classed as a bumper year for tillage farmers in years to come? Michael Hennessy, Teagasc Head of Crops takes a closer look and suggests wise options for spending the increased revenue coming through the farm gate while reducing the overall tax bill in the process
12 September 2021

Safe Slurry Handling
In the next few weeks the last of the slurry for this year will be spread on farms by many farmers and contractors before the October 15th deadline. Francis Bligh & Tom Fallon, Teagasc have important advice on staying safe around slurry, in particular when agitating slurry and emptying slurry tanks
07 September 2021

Registration opens for Teagasc Moorepark Dairy Open Day
Registration has opened for farmers to attend the Teagasc Moorepark Dairy Event, which will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 14th, 15th & 16th September 2021. The Open Day will be repeated over the 3 days, so farmers can select which day they wish to attend. More details here
07 September 2021

Setting up a Glamping Business
Glamping pods, wigwams or yurts provide what holidaymakers view as a trendy, rustic experience in an unusual or unique structure, while ensuring a comfortable, safe environment. Following a second stay-at-home summer, Barry Caslin Teagasc, Rural Economy, has advice on setting up a glamping business
05 September 2021

Organic Poultry
While organic may be the smaller of the poultry systems; it is growing year on year. Irish organic egg production has increased in recent years to a market share of 3%. Elaine Leavy, Organic Specialist & Rebecca Tierney, Poultry Advisor have advice on the requirements for setting up organic poultry
04 September 2021

Forestry and taxation
In this video, Declan McEvoy, Head of Tax with IFAC explains taxation in relation to timber sales. He discusses VAT regulations and the difference between VAT registered and VAT unregistered farmers. Steven Meyen, Teagasc Forestry Development Officer explains the different timber sale methods also
03 September 2021

Structured for success?
TEAGASC Researchers Tracy Bradfield Walsh PhD Scholar and Emma Dillon Senior Researcher Rural Economy & Development, together with Robert Butler and Thia Hennessy of UCC, examined the impact of land structure on the economic performance of dairy farms. Their policy recommendations are discussed here
02 September 2021

Developing Rural Ireland - A History of the Irish Agricultural Advisory Services
A new book that documents the history of the Irish agricultural advisory services and its role in developing rural Ireland, was launched at a virtual event at Teagasc, Oak Park, Carlow, yesterday, Wednesday 1 September.
02 September 2021

Weigh Safely for BEEP-S
Peter Mullan, Teagasc Advisor Manorhamilton, issues a BEEP -S reminder to farmers to ensure to weigh BOTH cows & calves BEFORE calves are weaned. Peter has excellent advice for keeping the handler and animal safe in the weighing process and when handling cattle in general. He refers to TAMS aid also
31 August 2021
Rural housing density in Ireland - Map of the Month
The August Map of the Month, created by Researchers David Meredith, Rob O’Hara and Jesko Zimmermann looks at the density of rural dwellings in Ireland. It clearly shows the impact of the road network, proximity to towns and cities, and general topography on residential housing density.
29 August 2021

Farm Forestry in Ireland
A farm forest provides many benefits, both financially and environmentally/socially. Forest options that can be incorporated on the farm include commercial conifers, broadleaves, native woodland, agroforestry and ‘forest for fibre’. Tom Houlihan, Forestry Specialist provides more information.
27 August 2021

Solar PV (Solar Panels) on the farm
Solar photovoltaic (PV) cells work on the principle that energy in the sun is converted to electricity. PV cells are used to convert solar radiation into direct current (DC) electricity. Barry Caslin Teagasc, Rural Economy, has advice on the requirements for setting up Solar panels on the farm here
22 August 2021

Outdoor Cut Foliage
The European flower industry is worth €2.5bn, with foliage estimated at 10% of this, or €250m. The south of Ireland has long been recognised as an ideal location for the production of foliage because of its mild moist climate. Andy Whelton, Vegetable and Cut Foliage Specialist Advisor tells us more
21 August 2021

Goats don't like the rain!
Goats don’t like the rain. Marion Roeleveld, Killeen Farmhouse Cheese had goats out grazing, but when it rained they would run back into the shed. They were very bad grazers and very susceptible to parasites. Anne Kinsella, Teagasc Rural Economy, brings us this insight into making goat's cheese
20 August 2021

Forest fungi
Exotic mushrooms produced from hardwood logs can be an extra income earner on many broadleaf forests. The demand for edible wild mushrooms is rapidly increasing. Most of the exotic mushrooms on sale in restaurants and supermarkets in Ireland are imported. Michael Somers, Forestry Advisor has details
20 August 2021

Devenish Teagasc partnership to help agri industry meet climate challenge
Ireland’s food and farming sector will have a significant competitive advantage in the global market place by creating one of the world’s most sustainable food systems through a unique collaboration between animal nutrition company, Devenish, and agriculture and food development authority, Teagasc
17 August 2021

When a plan comes together
There are many different kinds of plans and every farm family should have one. James McDonnell Financial specialist, Teagasc Rural Economy Development Programme outlines the Teagasc planning tools available to farmers to assist with financial, succession, time management or other planning options
10 August 2021

Use of digital technology in making precision management decisions on-farm
Dairy farms in Ireland are currently challenged with finding implementable solutions to improve sustainability. The Farm Ambassador Programme, an initiative located in the Dingle Peninsula, aims to investigate the feasibility, application and impact of digital technology in the farming business.
06 August 2021

Work Safely with Cattle
Well designed and maintained handling facilities are essential for the safe handling of cattle and prevention of injury to handlers. Under TAMS both permanent and temporary cattle handling facilities can be applied for.
03 August 2021

The Changing Model for Agricultural Schemes
Results-based payment schemes are likely to be the future of agri-environmental schemes going forward for Irish farmers. Martina Donnelly, Teagasc Galway/Clare Advisor, compares the previous REPS and GLAS schemes to the new REAP scheme here.
31 July 2021

Child Safety on Farms
With the on-going easing of restrictions, children may be attending summer camps & meeting friends. However, children will still be spending more time on farms during their holiday time and Jacinta O' Neill, Teagasc Advisor Westport, reminds us that the farmyard is not a playground here
30 July 2021

Positive farm price developments signal boost to farm incomes in 2021
Improving farm output prices are likely to provide an increase in farm incomes in 2021, in spite of rising input prices, according to the Mid Year Outlook for 2021 produced by Teagasc economists.
29 July 2021

Sustainable soil management to unleash soil biodiversity potential and increase environmental, economic and social wellbeing
In June 2021, the Horizon 2020 project, SOILGUARD, held its inaugural meeting online, kicking off its project activities. Twenty-five trans-disciplinar project partners from 17 countries came together to share the project goals, expectations and results to be achieved during the next 4 years.
26 July 2021

Safety around livestock
As farm safety week draws to a close today Peter Mullan, Teagasc Advisor issues a reminder to farmers to mind your health by staying safe around livestock and gives tips on
23 July 2021

Oak - King of the Forest
The oak has long been regarded as the King of the Forest. It's one of the most striking features in the Irish landscape. Many townlands are named after it, and also, two Irish counties, Derry and Kildare, are derived from the Gaelic word dair. Michael Somers, Forestry Advisor has an interesting read
23 July 2021

Farmer Health and Wellbeing
John McNamara, Teagasc Farm Safety Specialist looks at stress and Well-being in this video, along with Carlow IT Staff. Springtime can be a particularly stressful time of year. It's important to manage stress. So now this summer take the opportunity to rest, recover and make some time for relaxation
23 July 2021

Manage your Health - It's Essential for Lifestyle and to Farm Effectively
Health is essential for your lifestyle and to farm effectively. Poor health is associated with increased farm injuries and lowered farm income due to being less able to farm effectively. This is why Teagasc promotes the ‘Total Worker Health' model in its Statement of Strategy.
23 July 2021

Keeping the elderly safe on farm
Protecting the public is today's theme in Farm Safety week so Áine Butler, Teagasc Advisor takes a look at Keeping the elderly safe on farm. Teagasc Farm Safety Specialists Francis Bligh and John Mc Namara have important safety tips also
22 July 2021

Protecting yourself from Infectious diseases
All farm animals naturally carry a number of organisms which can be transferred to humans and cause ill health. As part of Farm Safety Week Seán Doorley, Teagasc Advisor Castlerea, highlights ways to improve good farm hygiene to try to prevent the spread of disease from animals to humans.
22 July 2021

The Importance of a Tidy Farmyard
Having a well kept farmyard is beneficial to both work efficiency and safety. Over the past 10 years the HSA reported 29 farm deaths due to collapses and falls. The major areas associated were slips & trips, bales falling and falling from a height. Penny Gavin Teagasc Walsh Scholar has tidy tips
22 July 2021