Farm Business

Agriculture’s role in biomethane production
Biomethane is a carbon neutral renewable gas made from farm and food waste, which is produced through anaerobic digestion (AD).
06 May 2023

Signpost Series - Bord Bia Sustainability Strategy for Irish Food
On this episode of The Signpost Series, Pat Murphy, Head of Teagasc Environment KT, was joined by Mick Houlihan, Senior Manager, Agricultural Sustainability, Bord Bia, to discuss the Bord Bia Sustainability Strategy for Irish Food.
27 April 2023

Implications of revised nitrates measures on the land market
The SCSI/Teagasc Annual Agricultural Land Market Review & Outlook 2023, published today, April 25th, examined the impact changes to environmental policies – specifically the Nitrates Action Programme – will have on the land market.
25 April 2023

Price of agricultural land to rise in 2023 - report
The price of agricultural land nationally will increase by 8% on average this year, underpinned by a strong dairy sector, a recent survey has indicated.
25 April 2023

Connecting renewables to the grid
On this webinar, Barry Caslin, Teagasc, was joined by Anthony Walsh, Manager, Special Projects, Asset Management, ESB Networks, to discuss options for the agri-industry to produce and sell renewable electricity to the grid.
25 April 2023

Farm schemes supporting young farmers
James Fitzgerald, Drystock Advisor, Teagasc Ballina, tells us that in keeping with commitments made in previous rounds of the Common Agricultural Policy, young and new farmers in the first years of their official farming careers will continue to be supported through two main schemes:
24 April 2023

Key equine deadline approaching for TAMS 3
The Targeted Agriculture Modernisation Scheme (TAMS 3) provides funding for capital investments on farms. Running for five years, the scheme has an overall budget of €370 million.
20 April 2023

Preparing for the direct payment scheme application process
This year’s direct payment focused office consultation will have many similarities with previous years, but there are new schemes, new terminology, terms, conditions and requirements to comply with.
09 April 2023

Assessing the potential of hydropower
With high electricity prices and uncertainty, farmers with steep land and high, consistent volumes of rainfall may consider hydropower.
09 April 2023

What you need to know about young farmer top up payments
The CAP 2023 schemes have been announced. Serena Gibbons, Education Officer, Teagasc Galway/Clare, explains why we all now need to familiarise ourselves with the new titles, acronyms and terms and conditions of the new schemes.
08 April 2023

Diversifying into brewing – the story of Ballykilcavan Farm and Brewery
David Walsh-Kemmis took over the family farm in 2004 - a multi-generational farm, which has been in his family since the 1630s. At the recent National Malting Barley Conference, he shared his experiences of setting up Ballykilcavan Brewery.
16 March 2023

TAMS for Organic Farming
Joe Kelleher, Organic Specialist, tells us; the recent announcement that the opening of the TAMS 3 scheme is imminent has been greatly welcomed by organic farmers and it is great to see the list of eligible investment items that organic farmers can avail of has been greatly increased.
15 March 2023

Care with 'harvesting' TAMS 3 grants
The first capital investment scheme within TAMS 3, the Solar Capital Investment Scheme (SCIS) is now open for applications.
28 February 2023

Have you considered a registered farm partnership?
A registered farm partnership is a great way to smooth the succession process, delivering lifestyle and financial benefits. Gordon Peppard, Teagasc Collaborative Farming Specialist, tells us more.
25 February 2023

TAMS 3 eligible items, reference costs and grant rates revealed
The Targeted Agriculture Modernisation Scheme (TAMS 3) will provide grant aid to farmers to build and/or improve a specified range of farm buildings and equipment on their holding.
20 February 2023

Sheep and Goat census deadline is 14th February
Sheep and goat census returns deadline is Tuesday 14th February. Keepers are required to record census data on their flock registers and return their census data, preferably online. Find out how to complete the online census return here
14 February 2023

Young farmer incentives increasing
There is a renewed emphasis on encouraging young farmers into farming in the new CAP Strategic Plan, Kevin Sheehan, Teagasc Education Officer, outlines some of these changes.
11 February 2023

Challenges and solutions to female entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurs and academics from Ireland, Turkey and Greece met to empower females to enhance the sustainability of European food systems.
03 February 2023

Enhancing women's role in rural life, agriculture and rural affairs
The FLIARA Project aims to enhance women's role in rural life, agriculture and rural affairs.
20 January 2023

Reducing Nitrogen Loss from Tillage Ground - Catch Crop Update from the Agricultural Catchments Programme
All farming sectors have to reduce nitrogen (N) loss, in order to restore all water bodies to a good status by 2027. On free draining, nitrate leaching prone sites, research has shown that overwinter green cover can substantially reduce nitrate leaching to ground water from fallow crop land.
10 January 2023

Environmental benefits of key ACRES measures
Agri-Climate Rural Environment Scheme (ACRES) is Ireland's new agri-environment scheme under Ireland's CAP Strategic Plan and administered by the Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine.
10 January 2023

Teagasc at the 2023 BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition
We invite you to visit the Teagasc stand at the 2023 BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition (BTYSTE).
09 January 2023

Teagasc Signpost Programme Newsletter January 2023
In this month’s Signpost newsletter Stan Lalor, Director of Knowledge Transfer, Teagasc, outlines the new Teagasc Signpost Advisory Programme.
07 January 2023

Organics Newsletter - Winter 2022
Welcome to the Winter edition of our Teagasc Organics eNewsletter where you will receive the latest information and news from the Teagasc Organics Programme. Subscribe here to get it delivered directly to your inbox every quarter.
07 January 2023

Farm Workshop Safety publication welcomed by Minister Martin Heydon TD
The Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine with special responsibility for Farm Safety, Martin Heydon T.D., has welcomed the recent re - publication of the Teagasc booklet ‘Farm Workshop Safety – Key Management Practices’ on a visit to Teagasc‘s Kildalton College.
06 January 2023

Fatal Farm Accident Occurrence in 2022
John McNamara, Health and Safety Specialist, Teagasc, has urged all farmers to review farm safety practices on their farms this January, to ensure a safe working environment for farm families in 2023.
05 January 2023

Conserving Local Farming History in East Cork
Tillage farmer Brenda Scanlan from Co. Cork approached me earlier this year enquiring if there was any aid available to help people repair and protect old farm buildings from inevitable decay.
30 December 2022

Burren Farmers win Newbie New Entrant Competition 2022
Burren Beef and Farm Experiences, a business established by Bronagh and Cathal O’Rourke, located in the Burren, Co. Clare have been selected as the winners of the 2022 Newbie new entrant competition.
25 December 2022

A Holly Jolly Christmas
As Christmas fast approaches many of us will 'deck the halls with boughs of holly'. The glossy green foliage and scarlet red berries are synonymous with the festive season. In a Christmas message from the Staff of Teagasc Advisory Waterford/Kilkenny, Aoife Leader, Walsh Scholar, praises the Holly
25 December 2022

Be Winter Ready
Serena Gibbons, Education Officer, Teagasc Galway/Clare, reminds us that it is important to continue to keep safety high on the priority list as the farmyard is a hazardous place.
23 December 2022