Farm Business Options - Insects Spark interest in Research and Farming Projects

On a recent Farm Business Options webinar, which took place on Tuesday, 8th June, host Barry Caslin, Teagasc was joined by Carlos Álvarez García, Teagasc Research Officer, Carl Coudron, Inagro, Belgium and Lynda Bolger, Celtic Cricket Farm to discuss the rising global popularity with insect farming.
While B&B's and farm shops are the obvious diversification choice for many, an unusual option may appeal to some – insect production for food or feed.
Carlos Álvarez García, Teagasc Research Officer and Carl Coudron, Inagro, Belgium are both involved in the ValuSect - Valuable Insects Interreg project, whereas Lynda Bolger from Celtic Cricket Farm, is Ireland's first cricket farmer.
View presentations below
- Valuable insects - an emerging source of protein in Europe (PDF)
Carlos Álvarez García, Teagasc Research Officer - Insects spark interest in research and farming projects (PDF)
Carl Coudron, Inagro, Belgium - Celtic Cricket Farm (PDF)
Lynda Bolger, Celtic Cricket Farm
Watch webinar recording below
Watch back previous webinars in the series here: Farm Business Options Webinars