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Farm safety champions and farm accident survivors

Farm safety champions and farm accident survivors

It's #FarmSafetyWeek and Wednesday's theme is farm safety champions and farm accident survivors. Teagasc Health and Safety Specialists, Francis Bligh and John McNamara encourage you to be a farm safety champion this July. They introduce Ann Doherty, a south Kilkenny farmer and accident survivor

Be a farm safety champion this July!

Farm safety is everyone’s business. It is important that we all play our part in recognising safe practices, praising safe practices and encouraging safe practices. We all have the capacity to be a champion for safety among our circle of family, friends and within our communities. We all have the power to have a positive influence on the people around us when it comes to farming safely. Don’t leave this to someone else.

Be a farm safety champion this July. 

Farm Accident survivors

A personal story told by a farm accident survivor leaves a vivid picture in our minds of the reality of a farm accident. We can better understand the pain and suffering caused and the long term consequences.

Each year Teagasc Agricultural College students are urged to become "Champions for Safety" as they embark on their first work placement.

The Champions for Safety seminar series supported by FBD is held in advance of the commencement of student on-farm work practice. To emphasise the importance of farm safety, students are addressed by a number of speakers including a farm accident survivor. Ms Ann Doherty, a farmer from south Kilkenny has addressed these seminars providing an account of how she was attacked by a bull. She outlined the life changing effects that this accident has had on her life and the struggles she continually faces on a daily basis as a consequence of this farm accident.

Ann has helped students understand the consequences of a farm accident and the importance of farming safely.

Teagasc has supported the Health and Safety Authority and farming organisations in developing the survivor stories series.  Teagasc is very appreciative of all of the farmers that have participated in the survivor stories programme.

Ann Doherty’s story can be viewed at Ann Doherty Survivor Story

To see additional videos please click here HSA - Survivor Stories

#FarmSafetyWeek runs from July 18th - 22nd. Check out Teagasc Daily all this week for further updates

Learn more about Farm Health & Safety