Teagasc highlight Farm Diversification Opportunities

Farm Diversification is the establishment of a new enterprise on farm. It usually refers to a non-agricultural or novel enterprise. Many farmers and rural dwellers are interested in diversifying their farm enterprise. Teagasc has a suite of 79 Farm Diversification Factsheets and videos to help
Diversification Factsheets & Videos
There are countless possibilities for diversifying the farm enterprise. A suite of 79 farm diversification factsheets have been published on the Teagasc website along with a suite of videos to provide information on a range of ideas and possible options for individuals to explore. Many farmers have already found success by diversifying into alternative enterprises.
The Factsheets and Videos can all be accessed here
Farm Business Options Webinar
Teagasc run a weekly webinar every Tuesday at 11:00am called Farm Business Options, which provides detailed case studies from diversification champions around Ireland.
Barry Caslin is Teagasc Energy and Rural Development Specialist. He said: “Diversification may not be practicable for every farmer, but well planned and seasoned projects can create new sources of income for farmers, and can enhance the range of facilities available in Irelands’ rural areas. Our farm diversification factsheets compiled by Teagasc colleagues, cover a wide range of topics including: organics, food, equine, horticulture, poultry, renewable energy, goats, forestry and tourism. They are an excellent starting point for innovative rural dwellers to begin to find out more information on possible business options that might suit them.”
Find Past and planned Farm Business Options webinars at www.teagasc.ie/farmbusinessoptions
Fintan Phelan is Head of the Teagasc Farm Management and Rural Development Department. Fintan said: “Niche opportunities exist for farmers to examine which could provide a diversified income stream, by utilising their existing resources and expertise. We would urge all those interested to start by gathering all available information on their topic of interest. The Teagasc factsheets area a good starting point and might help to stimulate the development of ideas that can lead to a diversified business.”