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Identifying a unique flavour profile for Irish grass-fed beef and lamb

Identifying a unique flavour profile for Irish grass-fed beef and lamb

The high quality of Irish meats is not contested but there is a need to substantiate the quality claims especially in relation to flavour associated with grass diet / geographical region with robust scientific measurement.

A unique flavour profile for Irish grass-fed beef and lamb, and regionally produced grass-fed products offers an opportunity for discrimination from competitor products and therefore confer market advantage.

'Flavoromics of Grass Fed Beef and Lamb' is a Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine project co-ordinated by Professor Kieran Kilcawley at the Teagasc Food Quality and Sensory Science Department with collaborators in University College Dublin.

The research will utilise cutting edge flavour chemistry technology, employing the latest advances in comprehensive gas chromatography with high resolution mass spectrometry, frequency detection or direct intensity olfactometry, in association with selected liquid chromatography mass spectrometry and descriptive sensory analysis. The purpose is to establish any unique dietary flavour biomarkers at a molecular level associated with Irish grass-fed beef and regionally produced grass-fed lamb. These results will provide strong scientific evidence to support “grass-fed”, region-specific production labels within Ireland, and existing Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) certification.

Watch a summary of the project below.