
FitForests –Ensuring correct tree species choice to address climate change uncertainties
Niall Farrelly, Senior Forestry Research Officer Teagasc, discusses over 100 years of research from Avondale Forest Park, Co. Wicklow and how this leads on to new forestry research called FitForests which will assess the suitability of different tree species to adapt to climate change.
30 April 2021

Make Personal Health and Wellbeing a Priority
While, Farming as a lifestyle is mainly very positive for wellbeing, Teagasc Health & Safety Specialists, Francis Bligh & John McNamara realise that it's not always a "bed of bluebells". So today, Friday April 30, on National Workplace Wellbeing Day farmers are reminded that this day is for them too
30 April 2021

Tree and hedge management in Ballyhaise College
Steven Meyen, Forestry Development Officer, Teagasc talks from experience about how trees can add so much to farm hedges. Benefits include shelter, biodiversity, improvement in microclimate, carbon sequestration and landscape value. We also get a glimpse of tree and hedge management at Ballyhaise
23 April 2021

Teagasc marks Earth Day 2021
Teagasc marks Earth Day today. We reflect on ways in which we contribute to improving the Earth through our integrated research, advisory and training services to the agriculture & food industry and rural communities. Learn more here about Teagasc & the Environment, and A day in the life of research
22 April 2021

The Forestry Sector in Ireland: some facts and figures
Teagasc welcomes Ciara! Teagasc's new virtual forestry adviser Ciara, provides some basic facts and figures on the forestry sector in Ireland. She discusses forest cover, ownership, species composition, carbon sequestration, wood utilisation, age distribution, wood processing, exports and employment
16 April 2021

Climate mitigation options through Afforestation – The Forest Carbon Tool
The establishment of new forests has a highly significant role to play in addressing our climate challenges and ensuring we can build a significant future carbon sink by mid-century. Teagasc Forestry Specialist Tom Houlihan discusses this and the development and use of the Forest Carbon Tool
09 April 2021

Farmer testimonial on the ASSAP service
John Landers has a dairy farm beside the Comeragh Mountains in County Waterford. The river Colligan runs through John's land, it is one of 190 priority areas for action (PAA’s) where water quality needs some improvement.
26 March 2021

The RESONATE Project: Investigating the Resilience of European Forests
Forests form a central plank of Europe’s new “Green Deal” policy. Now as more will be demanded from our forests, how will they cope in a changing climate? A new Horizon 2020 research project called “RESONATE” will help answer this. Jonathan Spazzi, Forestry Advisor, enlightens us here
26 March 2021

Wetlands and Water
A combination of geology and abundant rain has endowed Ireland with an extraordinary array of wetlands covering some 20% of the country. Functional wetlands are among our most productive environments providing a vast array of eco-system services. ASSAP advisor Mary Roache has more information
25 March 2021

Water Quality and the Freshwater Pearl Mussel
The freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) is a large filter-feeding bivalve. European freshwater pearl mussel populations have declined by 90 % over the past century. Mary McAndrew, Catchment Officer Pearl Mussel Project gives information on this long lived creature.
25 March 2021

The importance of trees in Ireland
Ireland's waterways evolved in tandem with our native woodlands. Of the 16,000 townlands in Ireland 14,000 have names related to trees, forests and water. Farm forests are known to reduce the leaching of nutrients from agricultural soils
25 March 2021

Best Practice use of pesticides
Monitoring of drinking water in Ireland continues to detect exceedances above the standard for certain herbicides. The chemicals causing greatest problems are MCPA (Agritox, Mortone, etc) and 2,4-D (Bandock EW, Mortox 50 etc). They are highly soluble in water. Kieran Kenny ASSAP Advisor has more
25 March 2021

How Nitrate leaching occurs
Nitrate leaching can occur during times of heavy or prolonged rainfall. Free draining soils are particularly susceptible to nitrate loss as it's very mobile in soil and readily leaches groundwater. The highest risk is in winter and early spring, as Prof Owen Fenton, Teagasc Researcher explains
23 March 2021

ASSAP- Farming for Water Quality
ASSAP – Agricultural Sustainability Support and Advice Programme works with farmers in a free and confidential advisory service to help improve water quality. Priority areas for action (PAA) are being targeted across the country to improve water quality.
22 March 2021

Farming for Water Quality in a Priority Area for Action - Farmer Testimonial
The Glenaboy river in county Waterford is currently at Moderate ecological status. The river catchment is in a Priority Area for Action (PAA) for the Agricultural Sustainability Support and Advisory Programme (ASSAP). Find out how farmers and ASSAP advisors work together to improve water quality
22 March 2021

Water Quality in your area & accessing
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) operate a number of water quality monitoring programmes to assess the condition of waters in Ireland. The outcome these monitoring programmes is available to see on the EPA interactive map.The map can be accessed on the website
22 March 2021

Water Quality Indicators - Chemical Sampling
It is important to understand what causes damage to our waters and work together to protect them. As part of Water Quality Week and World Water Day today, LAWPRO Scientists demonstrate here what the chemical indicators of water quality are and how this sampling is carried out
22 March 2021

Using kick sampling to determine the quality of water in a river?
Macro-invertebrates are small aquatic animals such as insect larva, snails, worms, beetles etc and are excellent indicators of water quality. Where rivers are unpolluted these are in abundance. Scientists examine these macroinvertebrates by kick sampling, as LAWPRO catchment scientists demonstrate
22 March 2021

Why is water quality important?
We need safe and secure waters to supply agriculture, industry and our drinking water needs. It is important that we understand what causes damage to our waters and work together to protect them. As part of Water Quality Week and World Water Day today, LAWPRO Scientist Ruth Hennessy has more here
22 March 2021

Teagasc forest establishment workshops very well received
During February and March, landowners were able to participate in three one-hour online workshops “Planting a new forest - Getting started”, organised by Teagasc’s Forestry Development Department. Close to 600 people registered for these workshops and each session had well over 300 participants
20 March 2021

Water Quality Week
Teagasc Water Quality Week runs next week Monday, 22nd March to Friday, 26th March. Water quality week is organised in collaboration with the dairy processing co-ops and the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO). Noel Meehan, Programme Manager ASSAP has details of the plans for the week here
19 March 2021

Growing Quality Timber in Agroforestry Systems
Kevin O'Connell, Teagasc Forestry Development Officer, explains that there are many definitions of agroforestry. In Ireland we generally practice a form of agroforestry call silvopasturalism – growing trees with grazing systems. Or simply: Trees are grown at a wide spacing with grazing in-between
19 March 2021

New farm forests are backing biodiversity
Ireland’s new forests are working to reverse the decline in our national biodiversity and strengthen environmental sustainability. Teagasc Forestry advisor, Noel Kennedy, explains how biodiversity protection and enhancement are at the heart of today’s young forests.
12 March 2021

Wood Heritage
Wood is the oldest material known to humans. Michael Somers, Forestry Advisor takes us on a journey through the heritage of wood from the 7th Century to the present day. He outlines it's varied and interesting uses which are steeped in tradition and culture.
09 March 2021

Farm Planning – Don’t leave it to the last minute
Andy Ryder, Drystock Advisor, Teagasc Westport focuses on applications for and changes to, Herd Numbers. He identifies how this impacts on Basic Payment Scheme, ANC, GLAS and Forestry schemes. Andy emphasizes the importance of planning in advance and not leaving Herd No changes until the last minute
06 March 2021

Eternal Spring’s Hope
If oak comes before ash we’re in for a splash, if ash comes before oak then we’re in for a soak - a common saying as the timing of bud burst of ash and oak trees is supposed to be an indicator of the coming spring weather. John Casey Forestry Development Officer is full of the joy and hope of spring
03 March 2021

Additional resources to meet demand for Green Cert Courses | Teagasc Virtual College Open Days
Teagasc welcomes the recent announcement by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue T.D., giving approval for the recruitment of 20 fixed term education staff to meet exceptional demand for Teagasc Green Cert courses.
27 February 2021

Are you interested in coming to a Teagasc College?
Interested in pursuing a career in the land and agri-food sector? Have you considered applying for a course at a Teagasc college? Teagasc colleges offer a wide array of full-time and part-time courses in agriculture, horticulture, equine, forestry and more. Sign up & Join our March Virtual Open Days
24 February 2021

Step-by-step guide to online forestry premium applications
The annual forestry premium is often an important, very welcome, source of income for a farm family. The most popular rate amongst farmers tends to be €510 per hectare per year for a period of 15 years. Steven Meyen, Forestry Advisor has a Step-by-step guide to online forestry premium applications
19 February 2021

The Forest Carbon Tool
Teagasc, in conjunction with the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) and Forest Environmental Research and Services (FERS) Limited, have developed an indicative online Forest Carbon Tool. Tom Houlihan, Teagasc Forestry Specialist has more details
12 February 2021