Healthy Workplaces Lighten the Load
This week, 24th to 28th of October, is European Week for Safety and Health at Work.
26 October 2022
Engaging with children on trees and forestry
2022 has once again given the Forestry Development Department the opportunity to meet and reengage with people. The return to events and shows gave the opportunity to ask children 'What to trees and forests do for us?' Forestry advisor Frances McHugh tells us more
21 October 2022
Teagasc Signpost Sustainability Week Commences
The Teagasc Signpost Sustainability Week kicks off today, Friday, 14th October with a webinar broadcast outlining the first steps for farmers to take to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions on Irish farms.
14 October 2022
Keeping faith with forestry
Roscommon farmer Pat Murray’s faith in trees is reaping handsome rewards.
14 October 2022
Signpost Photo Competition
We are inviting you to submit photos, capturing the actions that you are taking to reduce emissions on your farms.
12 October 2022
Signpost Sustainability Week 2022
Signpost Sustainability Week 2022 takes place from Friday, 14 October - Friday, 21 October 2022. This week will focus on 'Farming for a Better Future' with a series of public in person and virtual events.
11 October 2022
Teagasc launches annual forestry photo competition ‘Celebrating Our Shared Vision for Trees, Woods and Forests’
The Teagasc Forestry Development Department, in conjunction with the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, is delighted to launch its annual forest photo competition on Thursday, 6 October, on SPAR National Tree Day. This exciting competition will run between October and December 2022.
07 October 2022
Birch Breeding in Europe
A group of birch breeders from around the Baltic Sea met in Helsinki on the 6th of September. The purpose of the meeting was to share experiences and progress in tree breeding between countries. Funding was provided by the Nordic Forest Research organisation (SNS).
07 October 2022
Teagasc Annual Report and 2021 Financial Statements
'We had a blend of remote working and staff attending at their place of work, and using both, allowed us to deliver a full research, advisory and education programme during 2021', according to Professor Frank O Mara, Teagasc Director.
04 October 2022
Impact of price inflation on agricultural incomes now becoming clearer
A new report, by economists at Teagasc, provides an update on the forecast average margins and incomes that will be achieved across the agricultural sector in Ireland in 2022.
03 October 2022
Growing trees from seed – part 2
In the second part of this article on growing trees from seed, Steven Meyen, Teagasc Forestry Development Officer, will provide a couple of examples of how to grow some popular trees from seed successfully.
01 October 2022
Growing trees from seed – part 1
Growing trees from seed is easy! This is a great time of the year to collect seeds from many local trees around you. So hopefully this article will encourage you to give it a go! In the first part, Steven Meyen, Teagasc Forestry Development Officer, will explain some of the basics to get you going.
30 September 2022
Teagasc Sustainability Week 2022
The Teagasc Signpost Sustainability Week will take place from 14 - 21 October. The theme of Sustainability Week 2022 is 'Farming for a Better Future', when a series of public in person and virtual events will take place.
29 September 2022
Teagasc College Open Days 2022
Teagasc are holding series of events for prospective applicants to its full-time Level 5 agriculture, horticulture, equine and forestry courses. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about the courses available and be given a guided tour of the facilities.
26 September 2022
Novel forest tree breeding for tolerance to abiotic and biotic stress
Tree breeding is important to develop genetically improved genotypes for forestation through repeated cycles of selection, breeding and genetic testing. Dheeraj Rathore, Teagasc Research Officer, tells us about novel forest tree breeding for tolerance to abiotic and biotic stress.
23 September 2022
Multiple Benefits of Trees on the Farm
Tom Houlihan, Teagasc Forestry Specialist, tells us how farm forests can provide many benefits
22 September 2022
MOOCFORCHANGE- Massive open online course for forest change
Dr Ian Short and Jonathan Spazzi, Teagasc Forestry Development Department, recently took part in a MOOCFORCHANGE project meeting in Belgium, they tell us about Continuous cover forestry (CCF), which is a forest management approach suitable to both conifers and broadleaves.
16 September 2022
Today's Farm - September/October 2022
The September/October edition of our bi-monthly magazine is now available online. In this edition find out why Beef farmers are embracing clover. It also has articles on Organic sheep earn their keep; Soil sampling is key to cutting fertiliser costs; Transferring the family farm; and more.
10 September 2022
Forestry Knowledge Transfer Groups (KTGs) re-commence
Field trips are so beneficial and it’s great to see forest owners learn about Basal Area, taking top height and calculating stems/hectare among many other skills, all relatable to their own crop. John Casey, Teagasc forestry development officer talks about the benefits of being in a discussion group
09 September 2022
New UCD Teagasc Level 9 Professional Diploma in Researcher Development
University College Dublin (UCD) is delighted to announce the launch of a new Level 9 Professional Diploma in Researcher Development designed and developed in association with Teagasc specifically for Post-Doctoral Fellows employed by Teagasc. Find out the details here
04 September 2022
New Fulbright-Teagasc Scholar and Professional Award launched
Postgraduate students across Ireland are being encouraged to apply for a Teagasc sponsored Fulbright-Irish Award following a call for applications on 31 August 2022. Get more details of how to apply and of an upcoming information webinar on the awards, here
03 September 2022
10 simple ideas to make your forest ecologically more diverse!
Steven Meyen, Teagasc Forestry Advisor outlines ten simple ideas to make your forest ecologically more diverse. Most of these measures are easy to achieve and they will make a world of difference! Watch as Steven explains in a short video here
02 September 2022
TResearch Autumn 2022
TResearch is an official science publication of Teagasc. It aims to disseminate the results of the organisation’s research to a broad audience. Clearing the air - Reducing greenhouse gas emissions within the agriculture sector is a priority for our researchers
27 August 2022
Johnstown Castle Open Day - Technologies for Today & Tomorrow
Join us in Johnstown Castle, the home of agricultural research in Co. Wexford for their open day on Tuesday next August 30th. On the day the Teagasc team will present farming technologies for today and tomorrow. Gates open at 10am.
26 August 2022
Forest Carbon Tool
Forests play an important role in the capture & removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and subsequent storage in forests biomass and soils, a process called sequestration. The Forest Carbon Tool provides indicative data for potential carbon sequestration associated with new forest enterprises
26 August 2022
Benefits of eco-therapy
Eco and forest therapies are practices that support every aspect of our wellbeing. The
health benefits attributed to forest therapy include boosted immune function, improved cardiovascular and respiratory health, and reduced stress. Forestry Development Officer Michael Somers explains more
19 August 2022
Forest fires – we can all help
As Forestry Advisor Steven Meyen writes this, Europe burns. Huge fires are destroying thousands of hectares of forests across Europe during this latest and not last heatwave. Mediterranean countries are worst affected but central & western European countries including Ireland are also suffering.
12 August 2022
Tree Budding and Grafting Event
With growing demand for young and semi mature trees there is scope for new entrants in the potentially lucrative sector. Steady demand into the future is expected. Teagasc will host an event at Kildalton College on Wednesday, 17 August at 11am & 2pm that will support new and developing growers.
12 August 2022
Respect the power of the Sun
In current hot weather it is very important to take lots of drinks, stay indoors during periods of high temperatures and avoid exposure to the damaging effects of UV radiation from the sun. Farmers are one of the highest risk groups for skin cancer. Find some advice here.
10 August 2022
Wind Energy
Domestically, the Irish Government is now focused on securing 70% of all electricity from renewables by 2030. In 2019, wind energy provided 32.5% of our electricity. Barry Caslin, Teagasc, Rural Economy and Development Programme has more Wind Energy information here in this factsheet
07 August 2022