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Talking Timber 2021 The Business of Forestry / how to sell timber

Talking Timber 2021 The Business of Forestry / how to sell timber

Talking Timber, the annual Teagasc timber marketing event to support forest owners in harvesting their conifer forests is in its 9th year. The main theme is “The Business of Forestry / How to Sell Timber”. This live 'Virtual Talking Timber' is on Tuesday 15 June. Liam Kelly Forestry Advisor has more

This year’s event will again be a 'Virtual Talking Timber' to be broadcast live on Tuesday 15 June @7pm. All interested in attending must have registered prior to the event. Please click on the following link to register.

The format will be a combination of short, on-site videos interspersed with live panel discussions with forestry experts. Viewers attending the live broadcast will have the opportunity to ask questions during a live Q&A session.

Private forestry in Ireland has come a long way since its initial development in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. Many of the crops planted in those two decades and 2000’s are producing timber at this stage. Initial timber production comes from thinning operations carried out in the forest. Thinning is normally good management practise, but it is essential that it is carried out appropriately and at the correct time.

As more private forests reach thinning and clear fell stages, it is important that this timber is brought to the market as successfully and as profitably as possible.  Planning and organising each timber sale in a proper manner is vital. Forest owners need to be aware of each step and know what is involved at each stage.

Forest owners need to ask the right questions and make the correct decisions to maximise their conifer forests’ potential value. Talking Timber 2021 will help provide guidance in relation to preparing for and carrying out a successful timber sale.

This live event will discuss questions such as:

  • I want to sell timber, where do I start?
  • Who are the timber buyers?
  • Do I need a written contract? What should be in this contract?
  • Do I need to measure my timber before selling?
  • Do I have tax obligations? What about VAT?

Forestry experts from Teagasc and the Forestry Division of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, together with a forest owner from the south east and a forestry consultant from the west (representing Forest Industries Ireland (FII)), will discuss timber harvesting and timber sales. The event will primarily focus on second and third thinning and the market requirements for quality timber and how to achieve the best financial return for the owner.

Financial and taxation issues in relation to timbers sales will also be discussed by IFAC.


  • 7 pm                Introduction
  • 7 - 7.45 pm      Short videos followed by live panel discussion 
  • 7.45 - 8 pm      Live Q&A session

All are welcome to attend, but registration is essential. Please register today!

For further details, please see: www.teagasc.ie/forestry

Please note, this event is worth 15 CPD points (Society of Irish Foresters).

Picture 1:        A recently thinned crop with the felled timber still in situ


Picture 2:        Timber stack on a forest road

Picture 3:        Timber stacked in a sawmill, waiting to be processed

The Teagasc Forestry Department issues an article on a Forestry topic every Friday here on Teagasc Daily

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