The Forestry Sector in Ireland: some facts and figures

Teagasc welcomes Ciara! Teagasc's new virtual forestry adviser Ciara, provides some basic facts and figures on the forestry sector in Ireland. She discusses forest cover, ownership, species composition, carbon sequestration, wood utilisation, age distribution, wood processing, exports and employment
At present, Ireland has just over 770,000 hectares of forests or 11% of the land area. Ireland hopes to increase this to 18% over the next few decades. Just over 70% of all trees are conifers while almost 30% are broadleaves. This percentage of broadleaves is growing.
Watch Ciara in her debut appearance for Teagasc below
Ciara is now a full-time (virtual) staff member of the Forestry Development Department so you will see more of her in the future.
The Teagasc Forestry Department issues an article on a Forestry topic every Friday here on Teagasc Daily
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