
Grass 10 Featured Farmer: Aidan and Luke Maguire, Navan, Co. Meath
Aidan and Luke Maguire operate a calf to beef enterprise on free-draining land in Navan, Co. Meath. They provided an update on their grazing management in this week’s edition of the Grass 10 newsletter.
15 February 2023

Why use Protected Urea in 2023?
Mícheál Kelly, Teagasc Advisor, Galway/Clare, tells us protected Urea use increased by 59% in 2022, while ordinary Urea use increased by 28% in 2022.
15 February 2023

Tackling Soil Fertility on Your Farm
The last 18 months have brought around exponential increases in the costs of production for many farmers, it is critically important farmers try and ensure they are as efficient as possible when it comes to farm operations. Damien Gibbons, Walsh Scholar tells us how managing soil fertility can help.
10 February 2023

Spring Grass
Ciara Collins, B&T Drystock Advisor, Teagasc says now is a good month for you, the farmer, to determine whether a paddock is suitable for grazing or how much grass is present is by walking your farm. Decisions on grazing and grass management must be made in the field, not the farmyard!
10 February 2023

Clover reporter: Michael Doran
Michael Doran is milking cows outside Duncormick, Co. Wexford, and has a plan to oversow about 8ha of clover and reseed a further 5ha with grass-clover if weather allows in 2023.
09 February 2023

Grass 10 Featured Farm: Caroline O' Sullivan, Teagasc Curtins
Caroline O'Sullivan, Farm Manager in Teagasc Curtins Farm, Fermoy, Co. Cork, gives an update on how the spring is going so far in this week’s edition of the Grass 10 Newsletter.
08 February 2023

When to Apply Early Nitrogen
Deirdre Hennessy, Teagasc Research Officer, explains lack of nitrogen (N) supply in the soil can limit spring grass growth and advises when to apply early nitrogen.
06 February 2023

Looking for pastures NUE
Researchers from Teagasc, University College Cork and University College Dublin have come together to reduce the output of ammonia, nitrous oxide and nitrate emissions from grazing dairy cows.
05 February 2023

Caution advised as soil fertility levels remain stable in 2022
A recent review of the 2022 soil test results show that for the second year running the number of soil samples taken across Ireland has increased. The largest increase in soil sample numbers was on drystock farms, which increased by 19% in 2022.
03 February 2023

Grass 10 Featured Farmer: Joe and Michael Murphy
Joe and Michael Murphy milk spring-calving cows on free-draining land in Bennettsbridge, Co. Kilkenny. They provided an update on their grazing management in this week’s edition of the Grass 10 newsletter.
02 February 2023

Take the opportunity to turn priority animals out to grass
In this week’s newsletter, the Teagasc Grass 10 team offer advice on early spring grazing management, the benefits it brings and how the spring rotation planner can be used.
01 February 2023

Paving the way to improved nitrogen fertiliser use and soil health
Grassland Agro has joined forces with Teagasc and University College Cork (UCC) to support FutureSoils, an innovative new research programme that will pave the way to improved efficiency in nitrogen fertiliser use and soil health on Irish farms.
31 January 2023

Solving the mystery about grass-clover swards
Over the last year, discussion has emerged around the adoption of new grassland management practices that have the potential to improve farm performance.
27 January 2023

Using slurry to grow grass in 2023
Using slurry efficiently in 2023 will be essential in controlling input costs on Irish farms.
26 January 2023

Grass 10 Featured Farmer - the Clune family
The Clune family commenced the grazing year last Sunday when 30 cows went to grass under on-off grazing, with an aim of halving 40% of the farm grazed by March 1st.
25 January 2023

Fertiliser spreader calibration: getting ready for the coming season
Teagasc, in association with Carberry, organised a number of events on fertiliser spreader setup and calibration in West Cork recently.
24 January 2023

Teagasc Grass10 Grazing Courses Recommended By 99% Of Farmers!
99% of farmers surveyed in Teagasc Grass10 Grazing Courses said they would recommend it to another farmer.
23 January 2023

Maximising the benefits of slurry and soil sampling on drystock farms
Slurry provides a rich source of nutrients to grow grass and its potential is enhanced on farms in early spring applications. Niall Kerins, Teagasc Tralee, outlines more.
22 January 2023

Taking a Silage Sample
Silage sampling for a laboratory analysis is recommended to get a more detailed report on the nutritional value of silage, Eamonn Dempsey, Teagasc Advisor, tells us more.
19 January 2023

Grass10 Featured Farmer - Dara Killeen
Dara Killeen farms with his wife Beatrix, father Charlie and daughter Isabella, milking 160 cows on 46 Ha. Dara completed his opening AFC last week and completed a spring grass budget on PastureBase Ireland to help him manage grass supply throught the spring.
19 January 2023

Grass10 Newsletter - 17th January 2023
Grassland Excellence for Irish Livestock
18 January 2023

Low Emission Slurry Spreading –Delivering for Farmer and the Environment
Eddie Webb, B&T Soil & Environment Adviser, Teagasc Galway/Clare tells us; the permitted period for spreading slurry in Galway/Clare is 16th January. Slurry has becoming an increasing valuable resource on farms especially in light of continuing increased fertiliser prices.
16 January 2023

PastureBase Week - The ultimate PastureBase preparation for grazing 2023
Join the Grass10 and PastureBase Ireland team for a week of informative webinars on using and getting the best use from PastureBase. PastureBase Week will consist of a 1 hour webinar at 1pm each day from Monday, 16th - Friday, 20th January.
14 January 2023

Grass10 Newsletter - 10th January 2023
Happy New Year to all readers of the Grass10 weekly newsletter!
12 January 2023

How to incorporate red clover into your beef system
Roscommon DairyBeef 500 farmer Martin Connolly is on this week’s episode of the Beef Edge podcast to discuss how he incorporated red clover last year into his beef system, the pros, cons, tips and advice he has for anyone considering red clover this year.
11 January 2023

Reducing Nitrogen Loss from Tillage Ground - Catch Crop Update from the Agricultural Catchments Programme
All farming sectors have to reduce nitrogen (N) loss, in order to restore all water bodies to a good status by 2027. On free draining, nitrate leaching prone sites, research has shown that overwinter green cover can substantially reduce nitrate leaching to ground water from fallow crop land.
10 January 2023

Environmental benefits of key ACRES measures
Agri-Climate Rural Environment Scheme (ACRES) is Ireland's new agri-environment scheme under Ireland's CAP Strategic Plan and administered by the Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine.
10 January 2023

Teagasc at the 2023 BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition
We invite you to visit the Teagasc stand at the 2023 BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition (BTYSTE).
09 January 2023

Fatal Farm Accident Occurrence in 2022
John McNamara, Health and Safety Specialist, Teagasc, has urged all farmers to review farm safety practices on their farms this January, to ensure a safe working environment for farm families in 2023.
05 January 2023

Considering Red Clover Silage
The rise in input costs has heightened interest in lowering chemical N inputs. One consideration is introducing red clover to silage fields in particular. Red clover has a poor persistency relative to white clover and under grazing conditions the growing point which is above ground can be damaged.
01 January 2023