
Silage time on drystock farms
Good quality silage reduces requirement for meal feeding. Don't delay cutting date as quality will be impacted. Niall Kerins, Teagasc drystock advisor, Kilrush, Co. Clare emphasises the point of cutting silage early to achieve this. He has good preservation tips and advice as silage season continues
14 June 2022

Forestry – farm planning and integrating trees on the farm
Setting clear objectives and timely planning are essential for new farm forest enterprises. A range of planting options can be considered to meet financial, social & environmental enhancement objectives. Comprehensive supports are available from Teagasc as Tom Houlihan, Forestry Specialist explains
13 June 2022

Climate Actions for June
As we approach mid June it's time to check in with the Climate Actions for June, advised by the Teagasc Signpost team, and compare how we getting on with meeting the five actions set out for this month. The actions include; grassland fertiliser rates, grass clover swards, slurry and breeding advice
13 June 2022

Environment Newsletter - June 2022
The latest edition of the Environment newsletter has information on: Dates for your diary; Biodiversity on farmland - Messages from the Teagasc biodiversity stand at Bloom; EIP update - MacGillycuddy Reeks EIP and Message from ASSAP - Controlling rushes
12 June 2022

Teagasc BETTER Sheep Farm – John Joe Fitzgerald
John Joe Fitzgerald, his wife Karen and children, operate a hill sheep farm in Baile an Lochaig West of Dingle in Kerry. Here Frank Campion, Teagasc, Athenry discusses how outdoor lambing of the hill flock went in 2022, why John Joe is Increasing the proportion of purebred hill ewes and grass update
11 June 2022

Heavy Soils Farm Walk - John Leahy
Attendees at this Heavy Soils Farm Walk taking place on Wednesday, 22nd June at 11am on the farm of John Leahy, Athea, Co. Limerick, V94 H7Y7 will gain an insight into the lessons learned on a commercial research farm over 10 years as part of the Heavy Soils Programme (HSP). Get more details here
11 June 2022

Teagasc research projects secure significant funding under latest announcement by DAFM
Eight different Teagasc led and collaborative projects will share in the latest round of research funding grants by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, which cover areas including the agri-sector, food safety, human nutrition, food processing and sustainable crop production systems
10 June 2022

Teagasc Professional Diploma in Dairy Farm Management graduation - 2021 Graduates
The 2021 Graduates of the Teagasc/UCD Level 7 Professional Diploma in Dairy Farm Management course were presented with their diplomas at an awards ceremony at Teagasc Moorepark, recently.
09 June 2022

The importance of having a nutrient plan on your farm in 2022
Now more than ever the efficient use of all organic and chemical fertilisers is vital to supply fertiliser requirements and control costs on farm. Tom Deane, Teagasc Advisor, Enniscorthy looks at importing slurry to minimise fertiliser cost but advises on completing a Nutrient Management Plan first
09 June 2022

Milk Quality Farm Walk with The McCarthys
A farm walk will take place on the McCarthy Family Farm, Kilmurry, Feenagh, Kilmallock, Co. Limerick on Wednesday 15th June at 1.30pm. The McCarthy Family are the 2021 National Winners of the NDC and Kerrygold Quality Milk Awards. Get more details about the walk here
09 June 2022

Grass10 Newsletter - 7th June 2022
This week's Grass10 Newsletter includes; Grass10 featured farmer-Oisin Gallen, Co. Donegal; the clover reporter with Kevin Moran plus Grass10 weekly tips on fertiliser for 2nd cut silage; weekly grass checklist; grass growth predictions, PBI figures, an emphasis on lime & the Teagasc Sheep Open Day
08 June 2022

Weed Control in Productive Grassland
Weed control is a key element of productive grassland and should involve the adoption of an integrated pest management plan approach where cultural control methods are considered before the use of pesticides. Eamonn Dempsey, Teagasc Advisor, Tralee has advice on how best to approach weed control
08 June 2022

Teagasc Green Acres Financial Performance Year 3
2021 was to be the final year of the Teagasc Green Acres Dairy calf to beef programme before it transitions into the new DairyBeef500 programme in 2022. The 12 Green Acres farmer participants will move into the new DairyBeef500 programme. Alan Dillon, Teagasc Beef Specialist has more information
08 June 2022

Sowing multi-species swards
If you applied for the Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine Multispecies Sward Measure, you may be interested in learning a little more about how best to sow multi species swards. The Teagasc Signpost team has summed up what you need to know in a factsheet here
07 June 2022

Time to start thinking about weaning
As we move into June we need to plan for weaning of mid-season flocks. The recommended age to wean lambs at in most grass based systems occurs at 14 weeks or 100 days so as they can transition over to a forage based diet. Ciaran Lynch, Teagasc Sheep Specialist discusses weaning options
07 June 2022

Lime – the forgotten fertiliser
Improving soil fertility, especially soil pH, leads to increased Nitrogen use efficiency and an increase the availability of soil phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) for plant uptake. James Dunne, Teagasc Dairy Specialist sums up why it is so important to apply lime and why it makes financial sense
06 June 2022

Organics eNewsletter - Summer 2022
The first Teagasc Organics eNewsletter was recently sent to subscribers. The newsletter will issue every quarter with the latest information and news from the Teagasc Organics Programme. Subscribe here to get it delivered directly to your inbox every quarter.
05 June 2022

Growing Wild - whitethorn and cow parsley
Catherine Keena, Teagasc Countryside Management Specialist takes a closer look at some of our native Irish biodiversity to look out for in the countryside. Here she shares some interesting facts of nature about whitethorn, also known as hawthorn, and cow parsley
05 June 2022

Taking Advantage of Growth Rates
The old saying goes that “a wet and windy May will fill the barn with corn and hay” and by all accounts, the current growth rates are living up to this saying. Advisor Míchéal Kelly has advice on how to make best use of this grass growth
04 June 2022

Soil and Fertiliser Advice for Equine Farms
Good grassland management is a key component of horse production, ensuring good quality grass during the grazing season, the production of quality forage to meet winter feed requirements, and healthier horses. Teagasc Specialists, Wendy Conlon, Equine and Mark Plunkett, Soil & Plant Nutrition advise
03 June 2022

Teagasc FUTURE BEEF Programme in Ballyheane Co. Mayo
Cathal Irwin is one of two Future Beef Farmers in the Mayo region. Cathal farms with his father Padraig, wife Bridgin and two children Conor and Síofra on the outskirts of Ballyheane, Co. Mayo, while also working full-time in his own business Advanced Safety in Castlebar.
03 June 2022

Teagasc Signpost Programme Newsletter June 2022
In this month’s newsletter we present a factsheet on the establishment of multispecies swards; we profile 3 Signpost farmers; have timely climate actions for this month; some short video messages from HRH Prince Charles visit to Shane Fitzgerald's farm; The Environment Edge podcast and more
02 June 2022

Grass10 Newsletter - 31st May 2022
The Grass10 team are delighted to see Pre-Grazing Yields come down on dairy farms as farmers remove surplus grass. This week's e-newsletter has a reminder to apply lime, has details of the Teagasc Sheep Open Day in Athenry on June 18th plus the Clover Reporter, Grass10 featured farmer & Weekly tips
01 June 2022

Feed budgeting and fertilising for second cut silage
With many crops of first cut silage taken over last weekend and further cuts expected in the latter half of this week as the weather forecast is dry, Martina Harrington, Teagasc Beef Specialist advises on fodder budgeting, fertilising for second cut silage and getting the last of the slurry out
01 June 2022

TResearch Summer 2022
TResearch is an official science publication of Teagasc. It aims to disseminate the results of the organisation’s research to a broad audience. Picture of health - Researchers are leading work to improve the health and happiness of animals on farms, as public interest in animal welfare increases
31 May 2022

Blowfly Control in Sheep
Flystrike is a production limiting, costly and sometimes fatal condition in sheep. When it comes to Blowfly strike the aim should really be to prevent it from happening in the first place. Michael Gottstein, Head of Sheep Knowledge Transfer, Teagasc tells us more.
31 May 2022

Let's Talk Dairy - Steps to Making Quality Silage
On this episode of Let's Talk Dairy which took place on Thursday, 19th May, Stuart Childs, Teagasc Dairy Specialist discusses the steps to making quality silage.
30 May 2022

The Clover Reporter with Ger Pardy
The Clover Reporter in the Grass10 enewsletter will give weekly reports and videos from farmers who have a lot of clover established on their farms. This week The Clover Reporter is Ger Pardy, a dairy farmer in Co. Offaly.
28 May 2022

The Signpost Series - Ireland's 5th Nitrates Action Programme and beyond
On this episode of The Signpost Series which took place on Friday, 13th May, Pat Murphy, Head of Environment KT, Teagasc was joined by Ted Massey & Leanne Roache, Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine (DAFM) Nitrates Division to discuss Ireland's 5th Nitrates Action Programme and beyond.
28 May 2022

Silage walls: consider safety and capacity
Herd size has increased on many farms, but in many cases there hasn’t been a corresponding investment in silage storage. Silage pits on some farms are dangerously high. Farm Buildings and Infrastructure Specialist Tom Fallon has some advice on silage pit safety and capacity
27 May 2022