
Managing and Utilising Grass in the Mid-Season
Maximising animal performance from an all grass diet is the main goal in midsummer grazing. Cathal Conaty, Drystock Advisor, Teagasc Claremorris has pointers for drystock farmers in setting up paddocks in order to grow, manage and utilise grass more efficiently
12 May 2022

Investigating the role of red clover on beef farms
The inclusion of red clover into silage swards has great potential and can contribute to future proofing beef systems by enhancing N balance and ultimately economic and environmental efficiency. Nicky Byrne, Donall Fahy, Peter Doyle and Paul Crosson, Teagasc Grange discuss their red clover research
11 May 2022

Grass10 Newsletter - 10th May 2022
In this week's newsletter get the regular Grass10 weekly tips, grass growth figures plus details of upcoming webinar on the grass wedge using PastureBase Ireland. Brian McCarthy, Teagasc Clonakility is The Clover Reporter and this week's Grass10 featured farmer is Aidan Maguire, 2021 Drystock GFOTY
11 May 2022

May update from three Future Beef Farmers
Aisling Molloy, Teagasc Future Beef Programme Advisor, has a Future Beef Programme update on the breeding season from the farm of James Skehan, Co. Clare, on grass growth from the farm of William Kingston, Co. Cork and on animal health from organic farmer Kay O'Sullivan, Co. Cork
11 May 2022

Signpost - Meet the farmer John Joe Fitzgerald
John Joe is a hill sheep farmer based west of Dingle and farms with his wife Karen and their five children Shannon, Aoife, Colm, Aodhán and Tadhg. The farm consists of improved ‘’green’’ ground and a share of open commonage on Mount Brandon and a share of enclosed section. Find out more here
09 May 2022

Reminders for Breeding Season 2022
George Ramsbottom, Teagasc Dairy Specialist summarises advice on breeding. Select a team of high EBI sires using the threshold and average values detailed here. As herds stabilise, there is an opportunity to more carefully select the cows that we breed our dairy replacements from in the years ahead
09 May 2022

Duck Production
Duck production is carried out largely in Monaghan, with Silver Hill Duck being the largest duck processor in Ireland, located in Emyvale, Co. Monaghan. On an annual basis, over four million ducks are produced in Ireland.
08 May 2022

Red Clover for silage swards
Red clover has the potential to fix between 150-200 Kg N/ha per year from the atmosphere in well managed silage swards. Nicky Byrne, Research Officer in Teagasc Grange highlights the progress of a red clover/ perennial ryegrass silage sward at Grange in this video
07 May 2022

Reducing the Environmental Impact of Land Drainage
Appropriately designed and constructed land drainage will lead to improved nutrient uptake by the plant. Ivan Kelly, ASSAP Advisor, Teagasc Athenry, discuss the risks associated with land drainage and the options for reducing the impacts of draining here.
07 May 2022

Getting to Grips with the Summer Wedge on PastureBase
Join John Douglas & Joseph Dunphy from Teagasc Grass10 and Micheal O'Leary from PastureBase in this webinar on Thursday 12th May at 7pm, as they give advice on understanding the summer wedge, managing summer grass and more. They will be joined by 2021 young GFOTY Philip Tyndall
07 May 2022

Newford Notes - Week of 26th April 2022
Michael Fagan, Technician at Newford Suckler Demonstration Farm, Athenry summarises the calving results for 2022 now that all cows have calved. Breeding is underway. Michael summarises the criteria used when selecting sires for the 2022 breeding season. Two strong paddocks were baled. Read more here
06 May 2022

Teagasc Signpost Programme Newsletter May 2022
In this month’s newsletter, we publish a factsheet on practical steps to reduce chemical N use on farms as well as an article on useful tips for managing silage effluent. We have the profiles of 3 Signpost farmers, our monthly climate actions, key messages from the Teagasc clover walks and more
05 May 2022

Teagasc response to a call for a complete ban on burning in the uplands
Catherine Keena, Countryside Management Specialist, Teagasc said that fire has a traditional and important role in the management of upland areas and that there is a need to bring these upland areas into active management, while balancing the agricultural objectives & habitat management sustainably
05 May 2022

Grass10 Newsletter - 3rd May 2022
In this week's newsletter the Grass10 team return to farmer Lawrence Sexton in The Clover Reporter section as well as this week's Grass10 featured farmer Philip & John Tyndall. View some Grass10 weekly tips, grass growth figures and upcoming webinar on the grass wedge using PastureBase Ireland
04 May 2022

The Silage Dilemma - Bulk or Quality
Aidan Murray, Teagasc Beef Specialist discusses bulking up the silage crop and warns of the negative impacts such as reduced overall digestibility and therefore feed value. Lower quality means extra feed costs. Aidan has advice on deciding on cutting date and on getting good preservation
04 May 2022

British Ecological Society announces journal prize winners
The British Ecological Society (BES) has announced the winners of its journal prizes for research published in 2021. The prizes are awarded for the best paper by an early career researcher in seven of the BES journals. This year The Harper Prize was awarded to Dina in ‘T Zandt, hosted at Teagasc
04 May 2022

Don't delay silage cutting date on your dairy farm
James Dunne, Teagasc Dairy Specialist, Ballyhaise, outlines why delaying silage cutting date will have a negative effect on quality and quantity of silage for dairy systems. He advises against using a ‘one big first cut’ approach, which can lead to fodder shortages due to late first cuts being made
03 May 2022

Harvest high feed value silage to reduce pre-lambing concentrate costs
With silage season fast approaching, focusing on producing high quality silage for sheep has many advantages. Dry matter digestibility (DMD) is the key factor influencing silage feed value as Damian Costello, Teagasc Sheep Specialist, Mellows Centre, Athenry explains
03 May 2022

Growing Wild - willow, primrose and lady's smock
Catherine Keena, Teagasc Countryside Management Specialist takes a closer look at some of our native Irish biodiversity to look out for in the countryside. Here she shares some interesting facts of nature about willow, primroses and Lady's smock or cuckoo flower
01 May 2022

Reducing the cost of growing grass
In this article Dr. Peter Lawrence Teagasc drystock advisor Co. Wicklow, has advice for reducing the cost of growing grass. His tips include using paddocks, soil testing and drawing up a fertiliser plan based on the reports and incorporating white clover into grass swards
30 April 2022

The Cullinane Monitor Farm in West Cork
John and Veronica Cullinane are dairy farming with their three children; Eoin, Aoife and Laura in Ballineen. Co Cork. They milk 140 cows on a milking platform of 53 hectares and farm outside blocks for replacement heifers and silage. Aoife Healy, Teagasc Dairy advisor discusses their April tasks
27 April 2022

Grass10 Newsletter - 26th April 2022
In this week's Grass10 e-newsletter; PastureBase Ireland growth figures, Grass10 Weekly Tips, Grass growth and soil temperature predictions, Grass10 Farmer David Gannon, Red clover for silage swards and Aidan Maguire, Drystock GFOTY on measuring grass. Sign up for the weekly e-newsletter here
27 April 2022

Targeting an early year reseed in Carlow
Shane Cranny operates a calf-to-beef system in Myshall, Co. Carlow. After correcting soil fertility and improving grazing infrastructure, Shane began the journey of reseeding in 2021 when 12 acres were reseeded. Sean Cummins, Teagasc GreenAcres Advisor details Shane's approach to reseeding since.
27 April 2022

Should you consider clover in 2022?
Vincent Ronayne, Teagasc Advisor Ballinrobe, notes that Clover offers an alternative to expensive artificial fertilisers and helps towards Environmental Sustainability. Incorporating clover in grassland swards can to reduce costs, improve profitability and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
27 April 2022

Alternative Forage Crops for Winter 2022
Many farmers will question an article about next year’s winter fodder supply while they still possibly have stock in sheds. But given the exceptional rise in input costs, it's now time to plan for adequate winter feed. Kevin O’Hara, Education Officer, Teagasc Ballinrobe advises on alternative crops
26 April 2022

Calving date impacts on feed and forage costs
In 2020 & 2021, 29% of spring-calving dairy cows calved between April and June. Teagasc’s target is that only 10% of spring calving cows should calve in April to June – and these should all calve in April, not in May and June. George Ramsbottom, Teagasc dairy specialist explains the recommendations
26 April 2022

Donal Kavanagh Teagasc/Glanbia Signpost Future Farm Walk
The Signpost Programme, led by Teagasc, ran a farm walk recently in conjunction with programme partner Glanbia Ireland, on the dairy farm of Donal Kavanagh, Carrigeen, Baltinglass. Catch up on the farm details, breeding plans and herd health of the farm here in this article and series of videos
25 April 2022

Planning for Fodder Stocks Factsheet
Teagasc recently published a compendium of 20 factsheets providing the latest technical advice on soils, nutrients and fertiliser. The eleventh of these is about Planning for Fodder Stocks and can be read here. All 20 will be published here on Teagasc Daily
24 April 2022

Future Beef Grass Update with Aonghusa Fahy
Mícheál Kelly, Teagasc Drystock advisor, Athenry, is on the farm of Aonghusa Fahy, Future Beef Programme participant in Tullira, Ardrahan, Co. Galway to discuss his current grassland management in a video here. Catch up on his breeding plans too in the latest BeefEdge podcast.
22 April 2022

The Clover Reporter is Trevor Boland
This week the Clover Reporter return to Trevor Boland for an update on his current grass situation and to find out his clover management plan for existing and new swards. Trevor's Top Tip for Clover in April: Graze paddocks down tight and follow with clover by oversowing, using half rate nitrogen
21 April 2022