
Teagasc Online Slurry Spreader Calibration Calculator
Many farmers will use Low Emission Slurry Spreading (LESS) methods such as a dribble bar, for the first time in place of the traditional splash plate. When using a new application method it's important to apply the slurry accurately as Francis Quigley, Teagasc Farm Machinery Specialist explains
29 January 2021

The importance of taking a proper soil sample
The principle of soil analysis is to determine the average nutrient status of an area and to show the available nutrients in the soil. Once known you can then apply nutrients to bring your soils to optimum fertility. Martina Harrington, Teagasc Beef Specialist advises on proper soil sampling below
14 January 2021

Using PastureBase to Benefit the Farmer & the Environment
Creating a Win–Win Scenario for the Farmer & the Environment using PastureBase Ireland by reducing fertiliser costs and increasing nutrient use efficiency (NUE). This is the theme of this Grass10 and Pasturebase webinar on Wednesday 13th January at 7pm. Follow the link to register below.
11 January 2021

Preventing Deaths with Slurry
The Slurry Spreading season commences in many parts of the Country after the 12th January. With 10% of deaths being slurry-related in the 10 year period to 2020, John McNamara and Francis Bligh, Teagasc Health and Safety Specialists discuss the dangers and prevention of deaths with slurry
11 January 2021

Hemp for a Sustainable Future – Teagasc award at BTYSTE 2021 announced
Cian Walsh, a transition year student at St. Brogan's College, Kilbrogan, Bandon, Co. Cork, is the winner of the Teagasc award at the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition 2021 (BTYSTE). Cian’s project looked at the social, economic and environmental benefits and drawbacks of growing hemp
10 January 2021

5 Steps to taking a soil sample
Here in just five easy steps Edward Egan & Tara Heaney, Teagasc Meath Advisors, take us through the process of taking a soil sample correctly in order to get a reliable soil result.
08 January 2021

A slurry 'no-brainer' for farmers
Emer Keane, Walsh Scholar, Teagasc, Castlerea, discusses the environmental topics of Low Emission Slurry Spreading and Greenhouse gases. She advises on availing of the TAMS 2 grant aid opportunity which exists to subsidise investment in LESS and reminds us of the TAMS 2 closing date of 15th January
07 January 2021

Teagasc at the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition (BTYSTE 2021)
Visit the Teagasc virtual stand in the ‘World of Science and Technology’ at BTYSTE 2021, taking place each day from 6th - 8th January at 9 am - 5.30pm. Find out more about the Teagasc prize that is awarded each year to an agricultural or food related project.
07 January 2021

Aim for Zero Farm Accidents in 2021
Aim for Zero farm accidents every day in 2021. An accident causes tragedy and leads to tragedy, pain and suffering, and possibly lifelong disability. It is in everyone’s best interests to put time and effort into preventing accidents.This is the message from John McNamara Health & Safety Specialist
02 January 2021

The Embrace Farm Accident Support Network and how it can help
From 2010 - 2019, 214 farmers lost their lives through a farming accident. On this week’s episode of the Beef Edge Podcast, founding member of Embrace FARM (Farm Accident Support Network) Norma Rohan outlines the services it offers.
18 November 2020

Transferring the Family Farm Online Event
Join us on Tuesday, 17 November at 7:30pm for a short seminar on farm succession, led by Teagasc Farm Management Specialists followed by an opportunity to submit your questions to them privately and have them answered on a one to one basis.
14 November 2020

Increasing grass yield by draining land in the right areas and right way
The decision to drain a particular field or area of the farm will incur substantial capital investment. It should, therefore, be based on the potential return on the investment. What are the benefits of improved drainage to a grassland farmer? Tom Coll, Teagasc Drystock Advisor has the answers
13 November 2020

Preventing Musculoskeletal Disorders ( MSDs) among Farmers in Ireland - Webinar
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are a serious cause for concern for farmers. Research found that 57% of farmers lost full time workdays, with over 22% losing 15 days or more. Join the webinar on Thursday, 29th October to get advice and information on prevention of MSDs
27 October 2020

Ballyhaise Extended Grazing Trial
Donal Patton, Dairy research technologist, has summarised the trends emerging from the final year of a four-year trial in Ballyhaise. The trial looked at extended grazing on heavy soils in Northern regions comparing two grazing season lengths and two stocking rates.
16 October 2020

Teagasc Green Acres Farm Walk Roscommon
Martin Connolly brought us onto his farm on Thursday September 10th for a virtual farm walk. Martin is a participant in the Teagasc Green Acres programme and he gave an excellent insight regarding his animal and grassland management practices.
11 September 2020

Maximising Days at Grass this Autumn Using the Pasturebase Grass Budget
As we enter August, our focus turns to autumn grass management on farms. Join Micheal O'Leary, Pasturebase Ireland and Donal Patton, Teagasc Specialist on Wednesday, 12 August at 8pm for a live interactive discussion on how to best use the Pasturebase Autumn Grazing Budget to maximise days at grass.
09 August 2020
InstaLive Q&A with Grass10 & Pasturebase
Start building your grass now and benefit from a longer grazing season both this autumn and next spring! Join John Douglas, Grass10 & Micheal O'Leary, PastureBase Ireland for a half hour live Q&A on Instagram Live
03 August 2020

White Clover
White Clover will increase grass production and quality. It improves animal performance - 13% increase in animal carcass weight & 25% increase in lamb live weight gain.
08 July 2020