
How do I plan for the last rotation?
On this week’s Beef Edge podcast, Catherine Egan is joined by the Grass10 team of John Maher, Joseph Dunphy and John Douglas with grazing tips and advice as the last grazing rotation approaches.
13 September 2023

Grassland Farmer of the Year to host farm walk
Diarmuid Fitzgerald, the Young Farmer and Overall Grassland Farmer of the Year 2022, will host a walk on Thursday, September 14th.
12 September 2023

'Save the Dates’ – Upcoming Teagasc Events
Teagasc has a wide variety of events & conferences taking place this autumn. These range from our presence at the National Ploughing Championships to the Poultry Broiler Conference, College Open Days & the popular Transferring the Family Farm Clinics.
12 September 2023

Key learnings from farm visits for the Grassland Farmer of the Year Competition
John Maher and John O’Loughlin from the Teagasc Grass10 Campaign join Emma-Louise Coffey on the latest Dairy Edge podcast to discuss the key learnings from farm visits for Grass10 competition applicants.
11 September 2023

Extend your grazing season by building autumn grass reserves
Although it is only early September, thoughts are turning to autumn and potentially housing cows. Michael Donoghue, B&T Dairy Advisor, Teagasc Galway/Clare, highlights three things that will determine when cows will be housed on your farm. These are: (1) weather; (2) soil type; and (3) grass supply.
06 September 2023

Have you submitted your red clover or multi-species sward measure claim?
The facility to submit payment claims under both the red clover silage measure and the multi-species swards measure, both operated by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, is now open.
30 August 2023

High risk time for bloat
Clover content is at its peak this time of year, so the risk of bloat can be higher.
28 August 2023
Specialised in-calf heifer producer to host farm walk
Michael Cunniffe, a specialised producer of in-calf suckler replacement heifers, will open the gates of his farm next week to highlight how he makes grass work in his system.
27 August 2023

Do perennial ryegrass swards persist on commercial grassland farms?
Maximising pasture intake of dairy cows is a key factor in determining profitability on Irish dairy farms. This is due to the low cost of producing pastures in Ireland where the most expensive aspect of pasture production is often reseeding, which is most recently estimated at €1,100/ha by Teagasc.
22 August 2023

Autumn reseeding - timing is crucial
Most grassland reseeding traditionally takes place in the autumn (August/September), with about one-third of reseeding occurring in late spring (April/May).
21 August 2023

Red clover a winner on suckler farms
Red clover for silage is being established on four farms in the Future Beef Programme for the first time this year. It is not a new crop to Ireland, so why is it increasing in popularity now? Aisling Molloy, Teagasc Future Beef Programme, tells us more.
20 August 2023

Is your farm on target for autumn grass build up?
This week, the Grass10 weekly newsletter focuses on building grass for the autumn, when to start extending the rotation, rotation length and target farm covers.
18 August 2023

Identifying the best perennial ryegrass varieties when reseeding
Regular reseeding of pasture allows farmers to grow increased yields of higher quality grass, thereby increasing feed self-sufficiency and sustainability of their farms.
07 August 2023

Wet weather management techniques back in play
After what has been described as the wettest July on record, which has resulted in grazing conditions becoming challenging on many farms, this week’s Grass 10 newsletter focuses on the implementation of wet weather management techniques.
02 August 2023

Maximising the return from grass in autumn 2023
Stuart Childs, Teagasc Dairy Specialist, highlights the importance of autumn grassland management to maximise the value of your milk, save silage and keep your cost base lower.
31 July 2023

Are you the Sustainable Grassland Farmer of the Year 2023?
The Sustainable Grassland Farmer of the Year competition aims to promote grassland excellence for all Irish livestock farmers. The competition recognises farmers who are achieving high levels of grass utilisation in a sustainable manner.
27 July 2023

Getting your Grazing Back on Track
With thundery showers & heavy rainfall throughout the country soil moisture deficits have disappeared. Grass growth rates have increased. It is important at this stage of the grazing season to keep quality in the sward and use this opportunity to remove paddocks with poor grass quality.
22 July 2023

High levels of herbage production and animal performance from red clover
Red clover can contribute substantially to organic, low-input and conventional animal production systems due to its ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen (N) and support of high animal performance.
21 July 2023

Teagasc Fodder Survey July 2023
National situation on target, but 15% of farms have deficits to make-up with second cuts
19 July 2023

Lime Application and Clover Establishment - Sustainable Actions
Anne O’ Malley, Business & Technology Advisor, Teagasc Ballina, tells us more about two sustainable actions, lime application and clover establishment.
10 July 2023

New grass and clover genetic improvement programme launched
Teagasc and Goldcrop have signed a long-term grass and clover genetic improvement agreement, today, 4 July, at the Teagasc Moorepark Dairy Open Day. The new breeding and commercialisation collaboration will be called Pasture Innovations.
04 July 2023

Work Organisation for Farmer Health and Safety video launched
Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine with special responsibility for Farm Safety, Martin Heydon T.D. today, Tuesday, 4th July, launched a ‘Work Organisation for Farmer Health and Safety’ video at the Moorepark Dairy Open Day in Fermoy, Co. Cork.
04 July 2023

White clover is a second-half player
July 1st is the half time whistle in the grazing calendar. The Grass10 blueprint to grow 14t DM/ha and achieve 10 grazings per paddock is now at the half way mark, John Douglas, Grass10 Advisor, tells us more.
03 July 2023

Where to next for grasslands?
Grasslands are a key pillar of Irish dairy production and the composition of Irish grasslands have changed over recent years, increasing in complexity from single-species grass swards to multi-species swards, Ciarán Hearn and Tomás Tubritt tell us more.
02 July 2023

Grass10: Refocus on mid-season grazing targets
Recent rainfall has helped reduce soil moisture deficits in most areas. However, some areas are still in a high soil moisture deficit. This week’s Grass10 newsletter focuses on achieving mid-season grazing targets now that grass growth rates have recovered for many.
28 June 2023

Your ACRES Plan
Many of the 46,000 farmers who applied for ACRES last November had their applications approved in late March. Once you were approved you were effectively a scheme participant since the 1st of January and the contracted period will run for 5 years until the 31st of December 2027.
26 June 2023

Important new study shows the area of drained grassland peat soils is grossly overestimated
The land-use sector in Ireland is estimated in the national greenhouse gas inventory to be a major source of emissions that are projected to rise to 11.1 million Tonnes CO2 eq per year by 2030*.
23 June 2023

Managing the exit from ‘green drought’
Rainfall was welcome in all areas last week to lower soil moisture deficits (SMD). Some areas received more rainfall than others. Further rainfall is predicted over the next seven days.
21 June 2023

Watch: Higher milk and solids yields from grass-white clover swards at Moorepark
Aine Murray's research is looking at the herbage and milk performance of three different groups of cows, comparing grass-only swards to grass/clover swards at different nitrogen rates.
13 June 2023

Management of multispecies swards
The Multi Species Sward Measure, introduced by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, aimed to incentivise farmers to sow a multispecies sward, with a payment rate of €300/ha for crop establishment. Eamonn Dempsey, Teagasc Advisor, tells us more.
13 June 2023