
Tips on establishing white clover in grassland swards
The benefit of clover in grassland has previously been reported through increased animal performance, increased herbage production and potential saving in chemical nitrogen (N) fertiliser, as well improved N use efficiency and N farm gate surplus.
15 April 2023

Let's Talk Organics - Growing red clover silage to finish beef cattle
Elaine Leavy and Joe Kelleher, Teagasc Organic Specialists hosted a Let's Talk Organics webinar on Wednesday, 5th April which focused on growing red clover silage to finish beef cattle.
15 April 2023

Don’t delay! Fertilise silage swards today
Weather conditions over the last number of weeks have resulted in delayed applications of fertiliser to silage fields. In addition, livestock have been housed for longer than normal, eating into farm silage stocks.
14 April 2023

Rebuilding of fodder stocks a priority
A challenging March has caused issues for dairy, drystock and tillage farmers, attendees heard at yesterday’s meeting of the Fertiliser Sub-group of the National Food and Fodder Security Committee in Teagasc Oak Park, Co. Carlow.
14 April 2023

Grass10: Heavy rainfall making grazing conditions difficult
Most farms, particularly those on the western seaboard and in the border, midlands and west region, have received significant rainfall volumes over the past weekend, the latest Grass10 newsletter explains, while also offering advice for the week ahead.
13 April 2023

Red clover silage and multispecies sward measures open
Measures to promote the uptake of red clover silage and multispecies swards at farm level were today announced by the Minister of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue.
12 April 2023

Watch: April assessment of clover content
Assessing the clover content of your swards now will enable you to tailor nitrogen fertiliser applications, while also allowing the identification of paddocks which may require reseeding or over sowing to increase clover content.
12 April 2023

Reseeding checklist: spring or autumn?
Regular reseeding of pasture allows farmers to grow increased yields of higher quality grass. Despite this, reseeding levels in Ireland are low with less than 2% of our national grassland area reseeded annually.
08 April 2023
Harvesting the benefits of clover swards
Patrick O’Neill farms in partnership with his father Tom, 5km north of Edgeworthstown, Co. Longford. They milk approximately 115 cows, supply Lakeland Dairies, and rear their own replacements.
07 April 2023

Watch: The multiple benefits of multispecies swards
High nitrogen fertiliser prices, combined with a drive to farm in a more environmentally sustainable way, has seen the interest in multispecies swards peak at farm level.
05 April 2023

Grass 10 weekly checklist: Transitioning from the first to the second rotation
With huge variability in the percentage grazed and regrowth across farms, it is important to calculate what area is remaining to graze in the first rotation.
05 April 2023

Correct fertiliser application rates and cutting dates for first-cut silage
What happens on farm over the next few weeks will have a significant impact to silage stocks on dairy farms for next winter. James Dunne, Teagasc Dairy Specialist, offers key advice on fertiliser application rates in this article.
03 April 2023

Keeping grass in the cow's diet with on-off grazing
The last two weeks have been tricky when it came to grazing, Sandra Hayes, Co-ordinator of the Teagasc/Tírlán Future Farm Programme, explained in a recent update.
28 March 2023

Establishing clover this year?
With price variability continuing to exist in the artificial fertiliser market as we approach the second quarter of 2023, the inclusion of clover in grazing and silage swards may be an option to reduce the dependence on chemical nitrogen applications on some farms.
28 March 2023

Mike’s clover road
Thanks to white clover, this Cork farm is on track to dramatically reduce its use of bagged nitrogen. John Maher, Grass 10, and Padraig McCormack, Dairy KT, Cork East, explain more in this article from the March/April edition of Today’s Farm.
27 March 2023

The benefits of grass measuring
Grass is the cheapest form of feed available, so the objective is to maximise the amount of grass in the animal's diet, while conditioning the sward for future grazing. Eamonn Dempsey, Teagasc advisor in Tralee, discusses the benefits of grass measuring in this article.
22 March 2023

Signpost Series: Scenarios exploring the national herd and grassland management targets to achieve climate targets
On this episode of The Signpost Series which took place on Friday, 24 February, Pat Murphy, Head of Teagasc Environment KT was joined by Daniel Henn, Solohead Farm, Teagasc Moorepark to discuss scenarios exploring the national herd and grassland management targets to achieve climate targets.
18 March 2023

Planning for good grazing infrastructure
Improved grassland management relies upon robust grazing infrastructure; suitably sized and shaped paddocks with multiple access points, serviced by roadways of sufficient quality and adequate drinking water.
18 March 2023

Grass 10 Newsletter - 14th March 2023
This week's edition of the Grass 10 newsletter features PastureBase Ireland data, predicted growth, soil temperatures and rainfall levels and the weekly Grass10 checklist.
16 March 2023

The variables to know to grow great grass
Ireland is said to have a natural advantage to grow grass for our grazing animal production systems, Eamonn Patten, Drystock Advisor, Teagasc Ballinrobe, tells us more.
14 March 2023

Hitting your grass targets
Pearse Kelly, Head of Drystock, tells us how we can hit our grass targets in this months Teagasc Beef newsletter.
12 March 2023

Grass 10 Newsletter - 7th March 2023
This week's edition of the Grass 10 newsletter features PastureBase Ireland data, predicted growth, soil temperatures and rainfall levels and the weekly Grass10 checklist.
09 March 2023

Update from the Clover150 Programme
In 2021, a group of 30 farmers from across the country enrolled in the Clover150 programme, with a range of land types, geographic spread and farming enterprises. Over the past two years, white clover was established on farms by a combination of reseeding and oversowing.
06 March 2023

Aiming to reverse grazing decline in Europe
Grazing4Agroecology (G4AE) is an EU funded project that will support farmers in the implementation of grazing-based systems, for the benefit of the environment, animals and society.
03 March 2023

Éagsúlacht Speiceas Plandaí
Méadaíonn éagsúlacht níos airde speiceas plandaí flúirse na bpríomhghéinte a bhaineann le ráta athraithe fosfar na hithreach. Aaron Mac an tSionnaigh, Taighdeoir Iardhochtúireachta, Teagasc gCaisleán Bhaile Sheáin
03 March 2023

Grass10 Newsletter - 28th February 2023
This week's edition of the Grass 10 newsletter features PastureBase Ireland data, predicted growth, soil temperatures and rainfall levels and the weekly Grass10 checklist.
02 March 2023

Headway with grazing on Teagasc/Tirlán Future Farms
Sandra Hayes, co-ordinator of the Teagasc/Tirlán Future Farm Programme, outlines the progress farmers are making with grazing in the most recent Teagasc/Tirlan Future Farm Update.
01 March 2023

Seachtain na Gaeilge - Bainsí Ilspeiceas
An Dr Shona Baker, Taighdeoir Iardhochtúireachta ar an tionscadal multi4more
01 March 2023

Grazing infrastructure incentivised under TAMS 3
Earlier this week, the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine published its reference costs and eligible items available for grant aid under the Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme 3 (TAMS 3).
23 February 2023

Grass 10 Newsletter - 21st February 2023
This week's edition of the Grass 10 newsletter features PastureBase Ireland data, predicted growth, soil temperatures and rainfall levels and the weekly Grass10 checklist.
22 February 2023