Fertilising for a Crop of Quality Silage
On many farms producing average to poor quality silage is somewhat the norm. Cattle or sheep fed this silage will have reduced growth rates and below optimal levels of reproductive performance in breeding females. Austin Callaghan, Teagasc Advisor, Claremorris outlines how to improve silage quality
Taking all of the above into account, it is surprising then there isn’t a greater effort made to improve the quality of silage made.
Target early closing of silage ground
Fields for silage should be closed by the 10th of April each year. On wetter farms this may be a week later. (It is now the 20th April - Don't delay where silage ground still needs to be closed. And aim to cut in 1st week of June). Where there is a butt of old grass this should ideally be grazed before closing. This can be difficult on cattle only farms, especially in wet weather conditions, but every opportunity should be taken to graze from mid-February each year, up to the first week of April. Well managed grazed grass has a similar feeding value to barley and the aim in making silage is to maximise the energy value of this grass ensiled in a silage bale or a pit. To do this the silage crop needs to grow quickly in a 6-7 week period.
The silage crop needs to grow quickly in a 6-7 week period
Is your silage crop receiving adequate fertiliser applications?
For this to happen the crop needs to be adequately fertilised with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur. It will take the following per acre unit applications, nitrogen (N) 80-100, phosphorus (P) 16, Potassium (K) 100, Sulphur (S) 16 to grow a crop of quality silage in 7 weeks.
Many crops are not receiving this level. What happens in this scenario after 6-7 weeks when the crop is inspected and the silage yield is low? The silage crop is allowed to grow for another 1 – 2 weeks. In doing this the crop will bulk up but the unit energy value will be diluted. The grass will now have more stem and more seed heads.
Is your silage crop receiving adequate fertiliser applications? Slurry will per 1000 gallons supply 5-11 units of N, 5 units of P and 30 units of K. A slurry application prior to closing is vital in supplying a substantial portion of the P and K requirements.
Applying 2500 gallons per acre should supply 12 units of P and 75 units of K per acre. Watery diluted slurry will have lower P & K content. Depending on the weather and the application method this 2500 gallons of slurry could supply 10 – 25 units of N per acre.
The chemical fertiliser will then need to supply 70 – 80 units of N, 4 units of P and 25 units of K. A suitable application in this case would be 3 bags of Cut Sward (24. 2 ½. 10) per acre. To supply the required sulphur use a similar compound that also includes sulphur.
The message is don’t skimp on the fertiliser for silage. This is false economy because if you have to let the crop grow well past the 7 weeks then you will produce a silage crop lower in energy. This silage will have a lower feeding and monetary value and will result in reduced animal performance.
The message is don’t skimp on the fertiliser for silage
Having the silage grown and cut allows for a quicker return of the field for grazing or closing for 2nd cuts. Quality Silage is money in the bank. It gives you options. Making poor silage is a very expensive feed.
Other Silage Making Advice
SOIL TEST: You need to soil test your silage fields every 3 years because many of these fields have below the required pH (lime), P & K levels. Acidic soils will give a poorer response to all slurry and chemical fertilisers. Where soil P & K levels are low, additional applications of P & K to those recommended above will be required to build these levels.
NOTE: There are limits on chemical phosphorus usage and for this reason it is also important to soil test regularly.
NO Slurry spread: Where no slurry applied before closing you may need to apply 1 bag of 0.7.30 per acre to supply adequate P & K.
SLURRY: Take care not to spread slurry at in excess of 3000 gallons per acre.
SILAGE ANALYSIS: Have a silage analysis done on a yearly basis and use this to improve your understanding of the process of making better silage.
RESEEDING: To produce real top quality silage you probably need to be reseed silage fields.
Cutting Date
Aim to cut silage from the 20th of May onwards. (Closing on 21st April means a cutting date of 31st May) Be ready and avail of suitable weather conditions when they arrive. This silage will be good feed for all growing cattle, autumn calving suckler cows and cows that calf over the period December to February and are calved for many weeks prior to going to grass.
If you want further advice on Silage Quality contact any of our Teagasc offices. Check out details of Teagasc Advisory Regions here