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Grass10 Newsletter - 19th April 2022

Grass10 Newsletter - 19th April 2022

In this week's Grass10 e-Newsletter the Grass10 team introduce the 2021 Grassland Farmer of the Year Awards with Grass10 Featured Farmer -Colin Doherty Overall and Dairy GFOTY 2021. Aidan Maguire was crowned 2021 Drystock GFOTY. Also get the regular Grass10 Weekly Checklist, PBI figures and more

192nd Edition - 19th April 2022

Grass10 Weekly Tips

Strong grass growth predicted for week ahead 

With grass growth strong over the weekend this trend looks set to continue for the next week. Pre-grazing yields are creeping up towards 1,700-1,800 KgDM/ha in places. Use the grazing targets below to get it back to 1,400 KgDM/ha. Remove silage and/or consider reducing meal to increase grass intake.

Graze down to 4cm for high energy grass swards 

With pre-grazing yields increasing it is paramount that animals graze down to 4cm before stem appears for high animal output from leafy grass. There is about one grazing rotation before stem appears, take this opportunity to nail residuals!

Use the grazing targets to stay on track

The targets below will help balance grass supply and quality.

  1. Pregrazing yield should be 1200-1400 KgDM/ha. Take the opportunity to clean out swards to 4cm before stem appears.
  2. Average Farm Cover (AFC) should be around 600 KgDM/ha. Hold above 550 Kg DM/ha to avoid a downward spiral in growth rates.
  3. Match demand with grass growth. E.g. growing 50 KgDM/ha per day and need to set demand the same. If stocking rate 3.3 LU/ha then 50/3.3 = 15 KgDM Grass per LU + 3kg meal (for total intake 18 KgDM/LU)
  4. Rotation Length 20 days. E.g. 30ha grazing block / 20 days = Graze 1.5 ha per day
  5. Cover/LU should be around 180 KgDM/LU. This equates to 12-14 days ahead depending on how much grass is being fed per LU.

All parameters above should be near the target on your farm.

Record your fertiliser usage through the PastureBase app.

Farmers who plan and record their fertiliser applications are in a much better position to maintain pasture growth whilst reducing fertiliser usage on their farms. PastureBase contains great tools to help you plan and record fertiliser/slurry/lime usage. Plan to save!

Grass10 Featured Farmer

Colin Doherty, Adare, Co. Limerick

Colin Doherty and his father Bryan milk 225 cows in Co. Limerick. Last Thursday they were crowned the Overall and Dairy Grassland Farmer of the Year Winners.

2021 Grassland Farmer of the Year Awards

It was a busy week at Grass10 with clover walks but also with celebrating the excellence in grazing management which is ongoing across all farming enterprises throughout Ireland. The 2021 Grassland Farmer of the Year Competition recognised these farmers. There are several award categories and these farmers all showed high levels of output from grass and efficient nutrient use on their farms. They will be hosting farm walks on their farms during 2022 so keep an eye out! Click below to see the winners.

Grassland Farmer of the Year Winners

Aidan Maguire was crowned the 2021 Drystock Grassland Farmer of the Year.