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Multi Species Sward Measure Closes on 4th April

Multi Species Sward Measure Closes on 4th April

The Multi Species Sward Measure aims to encourage farmers to sow multi-species swards (MSS). Under this measure a payment will be made to participating Co-op/Agri-retailers to help farmers with the cost of buying multispecies sward seed mixtures. Closing date has been extended to Thursday 14th April

This measure is part of a package of measures announced by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine to provide support to Irish farmers and will help with the establishment of these multi-species swards.

Research work carried out on multi-species swards has shown positive results on low nitrogen input plots. These swards could provide a more environmentally friendly production system allowing for increased Carbon sequestration while at the same time reducing emissions of nitrous oxide which is a potent greenhouse gas.

How to qualify

To be eligible for the Multi-Species Sward Measure, you must:

  • Have submitted a BPS application in 2021/2022
  • Apply online at agfood.ie by the NEW EXTENDED closing date of midnight on 14th April 2022
  • Following approval, purchase the designated Multi-Species Seed mixture from a participating Agri-retailer/Co-op by 31st August 2022.
  • The multi-species sward must be established on lands declared as multi-species swards on the approved applicant’s 2022 BPS application.

Rate of payment

Once an applicant has been approved under the Multi Species Sward Measure a payment of €50 per 12kg bag of multi-species seed purchased (up to the approved maximum) will be made to the Co-op/Agri-retailer. This must be deducted from the full price that the retailer would normally charge. Participation is voluntary and it is open to all regions and farming enterprises.


Multi Species Sward Measure

Address: Johnstown Castle Estate, Co. Wexford. , Y35 PN52
Phone number: 053 9163425

How to apply

You, or your advisor on your behalf, can apply to participate on agfood.ie . Applications must be received by the NEW EXTENDED closing date of 14th April. If more applications are received than the amount of seed available then a pro rata reduction of quantities of seed may be applied.

You must read the Terms and Conditions here Full details on the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine website

Contact your Teagasc advisor at your local Teagasc office.