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Organic Manure Factsheet

Organic Manure Factsheet

Teagasc recently published a compendium of 20 factsheets providing the latest technical advice on soils, nutrients and fertiliser. The third of these is about Organic manure and can be read here. All 20 will be published here on Teagasc Daily

Farmers are urged to focus on Nutrient management planning, optimisation of soil fertility, using organic manures strategically and increasing clover in swards, all balanced with prudent fertiliser usage.


Organic manure is a valuable source of plant nutrients. The key aim is to maximise the value of slurry, i.e. get the most from its P and K content as well as N. This will be achieved by making sure that it goes to the right place at the right time at the right rate

P & K – Right Place – Spread on fields/paddocks where fertility is low and where the nutrient demand is highest (e.g. silage field)

N – Right Time – Spread when potential N losses are low and the potential for uptake by a growing crop is high (February to April)

Method – Use a Low Emission Slurry Spreader

Plan your slurry application

  1. Calculate the amount of slurry available
  2. Assess nutrient value in the slurry (adjust rate accordingly)
  3. Prioritise silage ground
  4. Target thicker (higher dry matter) slurry to silage fields
  5. Direct watery slurry to grazing plots

Slurry application plan

Value of slurry (cattle)

Use the Slurry Spreading Calibration Tool on the Teagasc website


Deirdre Hennessy, Seamus Kearney, Mark Plunkett, David Wall, Mark Moore (Editor), Pat Murphy, Stan Lalor, were the main contributors to this series of leaflets. Numerous colleagues from Teagasc AGRIP, CELUP, REDP, Signpost, PR dept. and advisory service also participated.

To access the entire compendium of 20 factsheets see Soils, Nutrients and Fertiliser Factsheets   Find more information on this topic in Soil & Soil Fertility