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Swards for the Future Conference & Workshop

Swards for the Future Conference & Workshop

Swards for the Future Conference & Workshop takes place at Teagasc Moorepark, Co. Cork on 8 & 9 September. It is an important and informative conference for anyone involved in the grassland industry including industry partners, farmers, co-op representatives, advisors and researchers.

The objective of this conference and workshop is to provide an overview of the latest research findings and current best practice in grass-white clover and multi-species swards. The conference will provide the first opportunity to view cutting-edge research on mixed species swards, including new species under trial. The development of a ranking index for clover will also be introduced. Advisors, farmers and researchers will all share their experiences providing excellent opportunities for discussion and learning.

Registration fee - €100

The registration fee includes attendance at the two day event, lunch on both days, tea/coffee breaks and proceedings booklet.

Speakers and Topics

Role of white clover in helping Irish agriculture meet climate targets - Professor Laurence Shalloo

Profitable production from grazing 

Better management of dairy nitrogen with grass-white clover swards - Deirdre Hennessy, William Burchill & Agnes van den Pol
Grass-white clover swards for drystock production - Philip Creighton, Nicky Byrne & Peter Doyle
Economic value of grass and grass-white clover - Peter Doyle & Tomas Tubritt

Grassland: Addressing the environmental challenge 

The role of multispecies swards for dairy and beef systems - Brendan Horan, Tommy Boland, John Finn & Luc Delaby
What does grazing do for carbon sequestration? - Katja Klump, INRAe, France

Where to next? 

Where to next? The role of additional species in grass- white clover swards – production and environmental benefits - Trevor Gilliland, Queens University Belfast
The agronomy and feeding value of red clover silage - Nicky Byrne & Michael Dineen

Getting clover to work on farm: Researcher, advisor and farmer experiences 

On-farm clover establishment and performance - Michael Egan & Caitlin Looney
Clover adaption at farm level: An advisors viewpoint
Clover on farm: A farmer’s expectations from white clover incorporation on their farm
Clover on farm: A farmer’s experience of establishing and managing white clover and what it is bringing to their business

Field Visits

  • Moorepark research farm and plots
  • Curtin's farm

Conference Dinner - €55
Vienna Woods Hotel, Glanmire, Cork on Thursday evening 8th September at 19:30pm.

The event is sponsored by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.