This is Beef Farming - Photo Competition
We know Irish beef farmers are passionate about what they do and we want to celebrate their hard work by giving away some prizes! Find out about the ‘This is Beef Farming’ photo competition, how you can enter and what you can win, here
17 June 2022
Ash propagation workshop held at Teagasc
Teagasc, in collaboration with Skogforsk, Sweden, were delighted to co-host a recent two-day workshop on methods of propagating Ash for future restoration at the Ashtown Research Centre on 14th – 15th June, 2022. The focus was on propagation of Ash plant material tolerant to the dieback disease.
16 June 2022
Tillage Newsletter - June 2022
In the June Tillage newsletter get the latest advice on: Spring barley - Disease control; Winter wheat - Disease control; Spring oats; Beans; Spring wheat - PGR and disease control; New nitrates rules for harvest 2022 and Health & Safety - Keeping children safe on the farm
16 June 2022
Grass10 200th Newsletter
The 200th edition of the Teagasc Grass10 newsletter was published yesterday, Tuesday, 14th June. The Grass10 newsletter has been published every Tuesday since 2018, using the grass measurements taken by grassland farmers around the country, and data obtained from PastureBase Ireland.
15 June 2022
Weed watch
Teagasc researchers have brought easy-to-use technology into the field, by developing a successful data collection mobile app. This app is supporting a long-running project promoting the wider adoption of sustainable conservation tillage systems on Irish farms.
12 June 2022
Teagasc research projects secure significant funding under latest announcement by DAFM
Eight different Teagasc led and collaborative projects will share in the latest round of research funding grants by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, which cover areas including the agri-sector, food safety, human nutrition, food processing and sustainable crop production systems
10 June 2022
The importance of having a nutrient plan on your farm in 2022
Now more than ever the efficient use of all organic and chemical fertilisers is vital to supply fertiliser requirements and control costs on farm. Tom Deane, Teagasc Advisor, Enniscorthy looks at importing slurry to minimise fertiliser cost but advises on completing a Nutrient Management Plan first
09 June 2022
Organics eNewsletter - Summer 2022
The first Teagasc Organics eNewsletter was recently sent to subscribers. The newsletter will issue every quarter with the latest information and news from the Teagasc Organics Programme. Subscribe here to get it delivered directly to your inbox every quarter.
05 June 2022
Soil and Fertiliser Advice for Equine Farms
Good grassland management is a key component of horse production, ensuring good quality grass during the grazing season, the production of quality forage to meet winter feed requirements, and healthier horses. Teagasc Specialists, Wendy Conlon, Equine and Mark Plunkett, Soil & Plant Nutrition advise
03 June 2022
Teagasc Signpost Programme Newsletter June 2022
In this month’s newsletter we present a factsheet on the establishment of multispecies swards; we profile 3 Signpost farmers; have timely climate actions for this month; some short video messages from HRH Prince Charles visit to Shane Fitzgerald's farm; The Environment Edge podcast and more
02 June 2022
Teagasc papers at the 11th World Potato Congress
The 11th World Potato Congress is taking place at the RDS Dublin over 4 days this week. The theme of the Congress is “The Changing World of the Potato”. Among the speakers today, Wednesday, 1 June, are Dan Milbourne and Ewen Mullins from the Teagasc Crops Research Programme in Oak Park
01 June 2022
TResearch Summer 2022
TResearch is an official science publication of Teagasc. It aims to disseminate the results of the organisation’s research to a broad audience. Picture of health - Researchers are leading work to improve the health and happiness of animals on farms, as public interest in animal welfare increases
31 May 2022
Funded Pathway to Agri-Analytics Career at DkIT
Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT) have launched a new postgraduate qualification aimed at upskilling graduates for data analytics roles across the farming sector, advisory services, the Agri-Food industry and other Agri-Tech businesses.
30 May 2022
Treat yourself to a wildlife pond
Ponds have been garden features for millennia. Chris Heavey, Lecturer, Teagasc College at the National Botanic Gardens gives us an overview of what is involved in creating a wildlife pond and outlines his experience of creating a pond in his garden.
29 May 2022
Certificates in Farming presented in Killarney
The presentation of Teagasc Level 6 Specific Purpose Certificates in Farming took place in Killarney, Co. Kerry on Friday 20th May. Dr Anne-Marie Butler, Head of the Teagasc Education Programme presented the certificates and student of the year award.
28 May 2022
How farmers can help bees on World Bee Day
It's #WorldBeeDay. Bees need food all year round, requiring a diversity of flowering plants in the landscape. Farmers can help bees by allowing space for wildflowers to grow and flower within hedgerows and field margins, around farmyards, along farm roadways and in field corners. Learn more here
20 May 2022
Bats and their habitats
It's National Biodiversity Week and Bat Walks are among events planned around the country. Bats and their Habitats is one of a Countryside Management series of leaflets published by Teagasc. Here we share some of the interesting facts about Bats like: Bats only have a single baby, once a year
18 May 2022
Photo Competition - Biodiversity on Equine Farms
The Teagasc Equine Specialists and Countryside Management Specialist are delighted to launch the second edition of a photo competition showcasing ‘Equine Farming and Biodiversity’ aimed at highlighting some of the many examples of biodiversity evident on equine farms around the country.
17 May 2022
Kildalton 50th Anniversary Open Day launched
Kildalton College in South Kilkenny will hold a major open day on Saturday, 25th of June this year kindly supported by FBD. Martin Heydon TD, Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine recently launched the open day in Kildalton and reviewed the plans for the event.
16 May 2022
Growing Wild - dandelion and greater stitchwort
Catherine Keena, Teagasc Countryside Management Specialist takes a closer look at some of our native Irish biodiversity to look out for in the countryside. Here she shares some interesting facts of nature about Dandelion and Greater Stitchwort
15 May 2022
Sm@RT demonstrates digital technologies to improve efficiency of small ruminant production
With about 98 million small ruminant animals in the EU, of which 87% are sheep, small ruminant (sheep & goat) farming is important to the rural economy of many countries. Sm@rt aims to improve labour efficiency and productivity in the sector by promoting uptake of innovative digital technologies
13 May 2022
PDD Recently Published paper on Chronic Stress in Sows
The Pig Development Dept introduces it's recently published paper, a literature review on the risk factors for chronic stress in group-housed gestating sows, and the associated prenatal stress consequences for piglets, from Martyna Ewa Lagoda, Joanna Marchewka, Keelin O'Driscoll & Laura Ann Boyle
13 May 2022
Forest recreation walks - don't miss out
The Teagasc and DAFM series of nationwide walks on Forest recreation continue up to May 20. Each walk is in the evening and will commence at 7pm. You can register for one of the four remaining walks in Laois, Roscommon, Sligo and Tipperary and get further details of each walk here
13 May 2022
Today's Farm - May/June 2022
The May/June edition of our bi-monthly magazine is now available online. The main focus of this edition is on Teagasc Grange research and previews the BEEF2022 Open Day. It also has articles on the upcoming Sheep Open Day; heart health; butterflies and moths; fodder budgets; silage walls and more.
13 May 2022
27% of farmers in Ireland report their wellbeing was ‘poor’ or ‘below average’
A recent Irish study shows that 27% of farmers reported their wellbeing was ‘poor’ or ‘below average’ whilst a further study found that the most common sources of work related stress are weather, workload and money. Other issues causing stress include policy changes, regulation and farm succession.
10 May 2022
Commercial Apple Production
Irish apples have been grown commercially for over a century. Dessert apples are the most common type found in retail sales in Ireland. It should also be noted that the proportion of Irish apple retail sales through supermarkets has increased in recent decades. Find out more in this factsheet
08 May 2022
Helping farmers reduce energy use
Teagasc is engaged in an extensive range of research including national and international collaborations. Teagasc highlights the impacts of its latest research in "Research impact highlights in 2020". Dairy - reducing energy use is one such area as John Upton, Teagasc Researcher, Moorepark outlines
08 May 2022
Organic Farm Walk - Andrew and Leonie Workman, Dunany Organic Flour
On Wednesday 11th May at 12pm Andrew and Leonie Workman of Dunany Flour Organic in Drogheda, Co Louth will host an Organic Farm Walk. Here Elaine Leavy Teagasc Organic Specialist & John Brophy Business & Technology Advisor give some information on their farm enterprises
06 May 2022
Managing stress
The most valuable assets that any person has is their health and safety. With pig farmers facing into increasingly difficult times – be it financial, personal or professional – the one thing that shouldn’t be neglected is your mental health and well-being.
06 May 2022
The Gut MicrobiotAware project
The GutMicrobiotAware project aims to explore general awareness of the concept of the gut microbiota among the general population. So we'd like to know - Do you know how the microbes in your gut influence your daily life? Take our survey here to help us all find out more.
05 May 2022