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2027 Sectoral Road Map: Horticulture

2027 Sectoral Road Map: Horticulture

A new Teagasc 2027 Sectoral Road Map for Horticulture was published on Tuesday, 8 December 2020. It includes: Market and policy issues; Potential shape and size of sector in 2027; Environmental & land use implications; Technical performance; Research & technology transfer actions and Comment.

A new series of Teagasc Sectoral Roadmaps 2027 was published on Tuesday, 8 December during a live webinar. Paul Maher, Assistant Director of Teagasc Knowledge Transfer Directorate chaired the webinar where speakers gave an overview of the main elements of the Teagasc Sectoral Roadmaps 2027.

Teagasc Researchers John Spink, Pat Dillon and Mark Fenelon gave presentations in their areas of expertise. Kevin Hanrahan, Head of Teagasc Rural Economy and Development Programme gave an overview of the importance of agriculture and food in the Irish economy. The presentations and the webinar itself can be viewed here

 Download the Teagasc 2027 Sectoral Road Map for Horticulture (PDF)

Excluding potatoes, the horticultural sector contributes close on €400m (Source: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) 2019) to agricultural output at farm gate level and provides over 6,600 jobs in the production sector, and a further 9,000 in the amenity services sector. The market challenges can be summarised as a general cost-price squeeze for producers and downward price pressure from imported goods applied from the supermarket multiples.

The key drivers for the sector in terms of market demand for fresh produce and plants are strong. The need for ongoing industry development remains a priority to maximise the opportunities which are emerging for this sector. Significant development potential exists but will need to be detailed and developed and ultimately delivered. The goal of Teagasc will be to provide the industry and growers with the knowledge and skills to take advantage of these opportunities, while enabling growers and the industry to deliver increased profit from productivity.

There are nine sectoral roadmaps in total on Horticulture, Forestry, Pigs, Tillage, Sheep, Dairy, Beef, Food and Environment. To see all nine of the Teagasc 2027 Sectoral Roadmaps click here Teagasc Sectoral Roadmaps 2027