Creating Our Future

I’m sure you have seen or heard ads for the Creating Our Future initiative, which is a campaign being run by the government of Ireland to find out from the public what they think we should be doing scientific research on in the future.
The Creating Our Future campaign
The Creating Our Future campaign is a conversation with the people of Ireland to gather their ideas on what challenges they would like research to tackle to create a better future for all.
Over the coming years, Ireland will need to find solutions to the most significant challenges facing our society. To improve the quality of life for all we must find a way of rebooting and futureproofing the economy, delivering on health and housing, addressing climate change, promoting sustainable development, and much more.
Creating Our Future will spark a conversation between people from all corners and strands of Irish life on ideas for future research and innovation. All ideas will be captured, shared, and will help inform the future direction of research and innovation in Ireland.
How can you get involved?
Provide your ideas, perspective, and inspiration to researchers as part of the national conversation taking place from July to November. Consider the opportunities or challenges in your life that could be improved by solutions from research and innovation. Submit these ideas through the online platform which will be live until the end of November at
Once you have your say, each idea will be captured and considered by an expert panel. From this work a report will be generated based on the submitted suggestions and topics of interest inspired by the national conversation.
Contributing to this unique opportunity will help ensure the direction of research in Ireland will be informed by the needs of the people of Ireland. Researchers will consider the ideas and topics generated by the public in the context of their current research.
There is also the potential for additional Government funding to be made available to address challenges identified by the public. The report will also contribute to informing Ireland’s policy on research and innovation.
Agri-food brainstorming session
Teagasc held a brainstorming event as part of the Festival of Farming and Food for Science Week.
Watch the event recording below
We invite you to tell us your ideas for what researchers in Ireland should explore to create a better future.
You can submit ideas through the website until the end of November at: It only takes a few minutes so why not submit what ideas you have now?
Join Teagasc for a series of exciting virtual events for Science Week (November 7-14) as part of ‘The Festival of Farming and Food. Join our events on Zoom and get a chance to put your questions to our scientists in our live Q&As. Register here.
You can also watch the events back here.
We’d love to hear from you. Be part of The Festival of Farming and Food journey on Social Media:
@Teagasc @ScienceWeek #FestFarmFood #CreatingOurFuture #ScienceWeek