EU Pig Poster - Adoption of a Biosecurity Tool

EU Pig aims to raise the competitiveness of the European pig industry by linking producers and sharing best practice and innovations. EUPig Ambassador Eugene Sheehan achieved great benefits in health management through the use of the Biocheck.UGent biosecurity scoring tool.
EU Pig aims to raise the competitiveness of the European pig industry by linking producers and sharing best practice and innovations.
There are four key themes: Health management, Meat quality, Animal welfare & Precision production.
EUPig Ambassador Eugene Sheehan achieved great benefits in health management through the use of the Biocheck.UGent biosecurity scoring tool. A reduction of 9.3% in production costs per kg slaughter weight, a reduction in days to slaughter of two weeks and a reduction in antibiotic use of 90% were some of the benefits.
Find out more at
EU Pig Poster - Adoption of a Biosecurity Tool (PDF)