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Nutrient Recovery Cycle - Infographic

This infographic outlines the nutrient recovery cycle which can improve the efficient use of resources in pig production. By using pig manure as a fertiliser to grow crops which will in turn be used in making pig feed, a circular economy is created.

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 Ensuring the efficient use of resources

  • 1.2 million tonnes of pig feed used annually
  • 63,500 ha Barley and 179,400 ha Wheat in 2019 (source CSO)
  • 2.4 million tonnes pig manure produced annually
  • 1,000 gallons pig slurry = 50kg bag NPK 19-7-20
  • Pig manure value as fertiliser €24 per 1,000 gallons
    220 gallons = 1,000 L | 1,000 gallons = 4,500 L

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