One minute with Sinead McCarthy - What have Meat Loaf and the food pyramid got in common?

Dr. Sinéad MCCarthy Nutritionist Teagasc Food Research Centre, Ashtown discusses the impact of the foods we produce and eat on our health and planet and suggests ways we can be more sustainable with our food choices. To hear the full story, come along to our 60 Minute Science event on 15th November.
Find out more about the event and register here
In 1993, he was number 1 in the charts with ‘I would do anything for love’ and the Department of Health launched the food pyramid in Ireland as a guide for healthy eating. Back then acid rain and air pollution were the environmental concerns of the day and the link between food consumption and its carbon foot print had not become mainstream.
Fast forward to today and the climatic impact of the foods we eat is a very hot topic. So now, not only should recommendations like the food pyramid be developed for healthy eating but we also need to make sure that the foods we eat are healthy for the plant too. This is a difficult balancing act because not all healthy foods have a low carbon footprint just as not all foods with a low carbon footprint are considered healthy. So what food choices can we make that can be both healthy and sustainable?
I’m Sinéad McCarthy, a research nutritionist at Teagasc and my research looks at food choices and how to get the balance right so we can eat healthily both for our bodies and for our planet.
Teagasc invites you to join us for an unmissable series of virtual and in-person events for Science Week 2022 as part of ‘The Festival of Farming and Food’ November 13-20, 2022.
The festival is an educational, inspiring and fun week, packed full of amazing science activities, experiences, talks and exhibitions, for children and grown-ups alike.
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