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Virtual Pig Week 2020 - Wednesday

Virtual Pig Week 2020 - Wednesday

The focus of Virtual Pig Week on Wednesday, 21 October is key husbandry practices in pig production. Teagasc Pig Development Department researchers and farm staff will share some of their key husbandry practices and tips.

Live@Moorepark - 1.30pm

Focusing on the areas of weaning, farrowing and feeding, there will be discussion  on topics including weaning pigs in intact litters, inducing sows to farrow, wet feeding and particle size in pig feed.

The live panel for this event will be hosted by Louise Clarke, Teagasc Pig Development Department Specialist Advisor.

To register visit: www.teagasc.ie/virtualpigweek    

The latest research and the best technical advice and information for pig producers will be broadcast live from Teagasc Moorepark at 1.30pm each day from Tuesday 20 until Friday, 23 October. The ‘Virtual Pig Week’ is being organised by the Teagasc Pig Development Department.

We’ll be dedicating the week to Teagasc Pig. Follow Wednesday's activities by staying tuned to our social media channels.