Pigs & Poultry
Developing Rural Ireland - A History of the Irish Agricultural Advisory Services
A new book that documents the history of the Irish agricultural advisory services and its role in developing rural Ireland, was launched at a virtual event at Teagasc, Oak Park, Carlow, yesterday, Wednesday 1 September.
02 September 2021
Rural housing density in Ireland - Map of the Month
The August Map of the Month, created by Researchers David Meredith, Rob O’Hara and Jesko Zimmermann looks at the density of rural dwellings in Ireland. It clearly shows the impact of the road network, proximity to towns and cities, and general topography on residential housing density.
29 August 2021
Cleaning on pig farms
Teagasc researchers Shilpi Misra, Corina E. van Middelaar, John Upton and Keelin O’Driscoll evaluated different washing and disinfection methods on pig farms. No difference in both water use and bacterial load was found; power washing without pre-soaking or detergent was the simplest method.
20 August 2021
Child Safety on Farms
With the on-going easing of restrictions, children may be attending summer camps & meeting friends. However, children will still be spending more time on farms during their holiday time and Jacinta O' Neill, Teagasc Advisor Westport, reminds us that the farmyard is not a playground here
30 July 2021
Safety around livestock
As farm safety week draws to a close today Peter Mullan, Teagasc Advisor issues a reminder to farmers to mind your health by staying safe around livestock and gives tips on
23 July 2021
Farmers Have Hearts - Your Cardiovascular Health
The theme of the final day of Farm Safety Week is Your Health. So it is timely today to look at the Farmers Have Hearts Cardiovascular Health Programme. Dr. Noel Richardson (IT Carlow) offers some good advice on diet and food nutrition to improve the health of farmers in a must-watch video here
23 July 2021
Farmer Health and Wellbeing
John McNamara, Teagasc Farm Safety Specialist looks at stress and Well-being in this video, along with Carlow IT Staff. Springtime can be a particularly stressful time of year. It's important to manage stress. So now this summer take the opportunity to rest, recover and make some time for relaxation
23 July 2021
Manage your Health - It's Essential for Lifestyle and to Farm Effectively
Health is essential for your lifestyle and to farm effectively. Poor health is associated with increased farm injuries and lowered farm income due to being less able to farm effectively. This is why Teagasc promotes the ‘Total Worker Health' model in its Statement of Strategy.
23 July 2021
Protecting yourself from Infectious diseases
All farm animals naturally carry a number of organisms which can be transferred to humans and cause ill health. As part of Farm Safety Week Seán Doorley, Teagasc Advisor Castlerea, highlights ways to improve good farm hygiene to try to prevent the spread of disease from animals to humans.
22 July 2021
The Importance of a Tidy Farmyard
Having a well kept farmyard is beneficial to both work efficiency and safety. Over the past 10 years the HSA reported 29 farm deaths due to collapses and falls. The major areas associated were slips & trips, bales falling and falling from a height. Penny Gavin Teagasc Walsh Scholar has tidy tips
22 July 2021
Farm Safety may not cost the earth but not doing it may cost your life
When we think of the wide range of tasks a farmer does each day it's easy to see that managing a farm and doing it safely is a challenge. Farmers must develop many skills to carry out these jobs competently. John McNamara & Francis Bligh, Teagasc Health & Safety Specialists have low cost suggestions
21 July 2021
Tiredness Kills
Farmers are constantly surrounded by livestock and machinery and the hazards they pose. Additionally, many other hazards occur on farms such as working at heights or emptying slurry tanks. Penny Gavin, Teagasc / H.S.A./ UCD Walsh Scholar on Farm Safety advises on staying alert by avoiding tiredness
20 July 2021
Avian Infectious Laryngotracheitis
Avian Infectious Laryngotracheitis is a respiratory disease of poultry. It is a highly contagious disease caused by a herpesvirus. This poster highlights some of the biosecurity measures that need to be implemented by anyone entering your poultry enterprise.
17 June 2021
Pig Herd Performance 2020 Infographic
The Pig Herd Performance 2020 infographic summarises some of the main results from the 2020 National Pig Herd Performance Report. This report is a detailed analysis of the performance of pig farms participating in the Teagasc e-Profit Monitor (ePM) recording system in 2020.
11 June 2021
National Pig Herd Performance Report 2020
The National Pig Herd Performance Report 2020, produced by the Teagasc Pig Development Department is the detailed analysis of the performance of the pig farms that participated in the Teagasc e-Profit Monitor (ePM) recording system in 2020.
10 June 2021
Pig Research Farm Update May 2021
Tomás Ryan, farm manager at Moorepark pig research facility, gives us an update on how the unit has been performing recently with a look at some production figures. Tomás also talks about the research work currently ongoing in Moorepark, including farrowing house projects and a new wet feed trial
11 May 2021
The Casualty Pig
This decision tree poster aims to prevent unnecessary suffering by providing producers with the best course of action when dealing with a casualty pig.
22 April 2021
Pig Research Farm Update April 2021
Tomás Ryan, Farm Manager in the Teagasc Pig Research Facility in Moorepark gives us an update on the research work which is happening in the unit at the moment, talks about interesting production figures in litters from a particular sow and tells us about a new liquid feed system recently installed
16 April 2021
Teagasc Pig Research Farm Update - March 2021
Tomás Ryan, Farm Manager in the Teagasc Pig Research Facility in Moorepark gives us an update on what's been happening in the unit, covering the latest production figures and the ongoing research taking place in the unit.
29 March 2021
Irish Pig Market; Riding high in Dec but shot down in May
Michael McKeon, Teagasc Pig Development Officer, Moorepark, reviews the Ups and Downs of the Irish Pig Market of 2020; a year of great promise but of modest profitability. He also discusses the volatility of the feed ingredient market here
05 March 2021
Pig Farming Options and Opportunities for Reinvestment
Just a year ago, pig producers were experiencing a long awaited period of strong profitability on the back of the brightest outlook for the sector in decades. Emer McCrum, Pig Development Officer, Teagasc discusses the Options and Opportunities for pig producers to reinvestment in their businesses.
26 February 2021
Teagasc Pig Research Farm Update - 11 February 2021
Tomás Ryan, Farm Manager in the Teagasc Pig Research Facility in Moorepark gives us an update on what's been happening in the unit so far this year and plans for the year ahead.
12 February 2021
Teagasc Pig Research Impacts and Highlights from Strategy 2015 - 2020
This poster features some of the research impacts and highlights of the Teagasc Pig Development Department Strategy 2015 - 2020.
09 January 2021
Teagasc Pig Development Department Review of Strategy 2015 – 2020
In it's latest publication, the Pig Development Department carries out a Review of Strategy 2015 – 2020. It's vision is to increase profitability in the pig sector by producing environmentally sustainable and welfare friendly pig meat to the highest safety and quality standards.
08 January 2021
Teagasc Pig Research Farm update – 2020 Year in review
Tomás Ryan, Farm Manager at the Moorepark Pig Research Facility talks through the production figures on the farm in 2020 and tells us about some of the plans in place for 2021.
31 December 2020
What type of feed system is best for my pig farm?
This infographic takes you through the process of deciding which type of feed system is most suitable for your pig farm, and how to improve feed efficiency on your current system.
19 December 2020
2027 Sectoral Road Map: Pigs
A new Teagasc 2027 Sectoral Road Map for Pigs was published on Tuesday, 8 December 2020. It includes: Market and policy issues; Potential shape and size of sector in 2027; Environmental & land use implications; Technical performance indicators; Research & technology transfer actions and Comment.
18 December 2020
The Irish Pig Sector Year in Review and Outlook for 2021
For the last The Pig Edge podcast episode of the year, Ciarán Carroll, Head of Teagasc Pigs Knowledge Transfer was joined by Michael McKeon, Specialist Pig Development Officer with Teagasc, based at Moorepark, with a review of the Irish Pig Sector in 2020 and the outlook for 2021.
18 December 2020
Teagasc Pig Development Department Skills Series - Artificial Insemination
The latest edition of the Teagasc Pig Development Department’s Skills Series focuses on Artificial Insemination. Watch an informational video and read a factsheet to find out more about the Artificial Insemination Procedure in pigs.
16 December 2020
Teagasc Pig Development Department Skills Series - Moving Pigs
The latest edition of the Teagasc Pig Development Department’s Skills Series focuses on moving pigs. Watch an informational video and read a factsheet to find out more about moving pigs.
27 November 2020