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Juan Ortiz, PhD Student PDD

Juan Ortiz, PhD Student PDD

In this one of 11 videos of PDD students, Juan Ortiz, PhD Student with the Teagasc Pig Development Department (PDD) describes the project he is working on investigating the effects of therapeutic ZnO on the microbiome, resistome & immune system of weaned piglets and strategies to face ZnO withdrawal

Postgraduate student with the Pig Development Department, Juan Ortiz, is looking at the effects of therapeutic zinc oxide on the microbiome, resistome and immune system of pigs and strategies to face ZnO withdrawal. This project is a collaboration between Teagasc and the School of Veterinary Medicine of the Universidad de Córdoba (Spain). This project is studying the role of zinc oxide and antibiotics on the intestinal and environmental bacterial populations of weaned pigs, which changes are happening in the intestine, which beneficial or pathogenic bacteria are changing there and what is the effect on piglets’ health and performance.

Find out more about Juan's work in the video below

Practical considerations for the removal of Zinc Oxide Webinar

The Pig Development Department (PDD) will hold a webinar on January 25th at 1pm. During this lunchtime event we will focus on the practical steps and considerations for producers in advance of the ban on Zinc Oxide.

If you liked this video you can learn more about the work of the postgraduate students in the Pig Development Department (PDD). Over the coming weeks Teagasc Daily will continue to feature a total of 11 videos of the PDD students.

Find out more here about the Teagasc Pig Development Department