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Keely Halpin, PhD Student Pig Development Department

Keely Halpin, PhD Student Pig Development Department

In this one of 11 videos of PDD students, Postgraduate student Keely Halpin, Teagasc Pig Development Dept discusses her project focusing on implementing internal biosecurity measures in the farrowing house with the aim of reducing antibiotic usage while increasing piglet growth and lifetime health

Pig Development Department Postgraduate student Keely Halpin is working on the PigNutriStrat project which looks at biosecurity measures in farrowing houses.

The overall objective of this project is to investigate the effect of internal biosecurity measures in the farrowing house on pen hygiene, antimicrobial usage, microbiome development and lifetime pig health and growth. This project will compare optimal versus sub optimal sanitisation regimes as well as optimal sanitisation regimes with/without the use of a competitive exclusion agent (probiotic) in farrowing rooms.

Find out more about Keely's work in the video below  

If you liked this video you can learn more about the work of the postgraduate students in the Pig Development Department (PDD). Over the coming weeks Teagasc Daily will continue to feature a total of 11 videos of the PDD students.

Find out more here about the Teagasc Pig Development Department