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Lorcan O’Neill, PhD Student PDD

Lorcan O’Neill, PhD Student PDD

In this video, one of 11 videos of PDD students, Lorcan O’Neill, PhD Student with the Teagasc Pig Development Department (PDD) describes the AMURAP project, which is researching antimicrobial use and resistance in the pig and poultry sectors in Ireland.

Lorcans work is concerned with the pig component of the project where he conducted the first nationwide survey on antimicrobial use in pigs in Ireland and investigated the reasons for this use.

Lorcan and the project team have also completed a study tracking how antimicrobial resistance evolves during the production cycle.

Lorcan's PhD project has looked at antimicrobial use and resistance in the pig industry in Ireland. The data they have gathered on antimicrobial use has been used to compare the Irish pig industry to that in other countries and to other sectors here in Ireland. The project also investigated antimicrobial resistance, with a particular interest in the antimicrobials that are most important to human health.

Find out more about Lorcan's work in the video below 

If you liked this video you can learn more about the work of the postgraduate students in the Pig Development Department (PDD). Over the coming weeks Teagasc Daily will continue to feature a total of 11 videos of the PDD students.

Find out more here about the Teagasc Pig Development Department