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Mario Ornelas, PhD Student Pig Development Department

Mario Ornelas, PhD Student Pig Development Department

In this video, Postgraduate student Mario Ornelas, Teagasc Pig Development Department tells us about his research project, which is looking at biomarkers and microbiomes on pig farms for antimicrobial resistance management. This is one of a series of 11 videos of PDD students

Mario Ornelas, is the postgraduate student on the BM-FARM project, which looks at biomarkers and microbiome in farms for antimicrobial resistance management.

There are still many knowledge gaps surrounding the complexity of clinical disease in pig farms. A better understanding of the interactions between pig, pathogen and environment is a crucial element to reduce antimicrobial use and antimicrobial resistance. BM-FARM will characterize the physiological status of pigs, through saliva biomarkers, and the microbiological environment where they live. The project explores how the environment (microbiome and husbandry) affects the physiological status of pigs and changes the relation between pig and pathogen.

The approach of the project is to characterise and analyse the physiological status of pigs on farms of different health statuses using biomarkers and microbiomes, with an aim of reducing clinical disease.

Find out more about Mario's work in the video below

If you liked this video you can learn more about the work of the postgraduate students in the Pig Development Department (PDD). Over the coming weeks Teagasc Daily will continue to feature a total of 11 videos of the PDD students.

Find out more here about the Teagasc Pig Development Department