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Pauline Lichou, PhD Student Pig Development Department

In this video, Postgraduate student Pauline Lichou, Teagasc Pig Development Department discusses her project, part of MonoGutHealth, researching nutritional and management strategies for healthy porcine offspring: improve the health, growth and efficiency of piglets born into large litters.

Pauline Lichou is a postgraduate student with the Pig Development Department researching nutritional and management strategies for healthy porcine offspring: improve the health, growth and efficiency of piglets born into large litters. This project aims to develop nutritional and management strategies that will improve the health, growth and efficiency of piglets born into large litters and reared in the absence of antimicrobials and pharmacological levels of zinc oxide and copper.

Pauline is part of the European project MonoGutHealth, which will study microbial colonisation of the gut and gut function in pigs and poultry prior to birth and/or in the early neonatal period. Pauline's part in the project will look at the development and acquisition of the piglets' microbiome. 

Find out more about Pauline's work in the video below 

If you liked this video you can learn more about the work of the postgraduate students in the Pig Development Department (PDD). Over the coming weeks Teagasc Daily will continue to feature a total of 11 videos of the PDD students.

Find out more here about the Teagasc Pig Development Department