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Value of pig manure 2023

Value of pig manure 2023

Infographic outlining the current value of pig manure as a valuable fertiliser for grass and tillage crops.

The fertiliser value of pig manure at 4.3% solids is currently valued at €11.89/m3, this translates into €54 per 1000 gallons. As the solids content increases there will be a corresponding increase in the nutrient content and in the fertiliser value.

Value of pig manure infographic details in text

Pig Manure: A valuable fertiliser, worth €54 per 1000 gallons

1m3 pig slurry is worth €11.89 at 4.35% solids

1m3 = 220 gallons
1000 gallons = 4.54m3
4.54m3 x €11.89 = €54

1000 gallons = 1 bag 19:7:20

    Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium
Nutrient content kg.m3 4.2 0.8 2.2
Nutrient availability * % 50 100 100
Fertiliser cost per kg ** 2.17 4.60 1.66
Value 4.45 3.68 3.65

For more information visit www.teagasc.ie/animals/pigs