BETTER Farm Sheep Programme participants sought

The BETTER Farm Sheep Programme is seeking new participants. If you are interested in using the latest technology to develop your sheep enterprise for a sustainable future in collaboration with Teagasc, this could be the opportunity to do so.
Led from Athenry by Dr Frank Campion, in collaboration with the Sheep Specialist and Research team, the BETTER Farm Sheep Programme involves the active development of your sheep enterprise through the application of the latest technologies.
If accepted into the programme, a comprehensive review of your current system will be completed to identify opportunities for improvement. The results of the review are incorporated in a farm plan with key changes highlighted.
The plan will involve changes in flock management, feeding practices, breeding policy, marketing policy, grassland management and farm facilities.
In addition, new participants will implement an individual animal performance recording programme for all sheep on the farm, based on electronic identification (EID) with help and guidance from Teagasc research staff. Individual data on ewe performance (litter size, mortality, weight at joining) and lamb performance (including lamb weights at birth, 7 and 14 weeks of age and at sale) will also be collected on the flock.
Farm financial performance will also be measured through participation in the National Farm Survey operated by Teagasc, so that a consistent set of financial data is produced for each year of participation.
Applying to the programme
The programme is seeking hill sheep farmers in west Cork, Kerry, Mayo and Donegal, along with farmers nationwide who are running organic sheep enterprises.
The closing date for expressions of interest is Friday, October 6th