Calves are born without any protective immunity and only receive protection once they absorb antibodies from colostrum. This protection covers the calf until they can develop their own immunity. The quality of colostrum can be improved through strategic vaccination
Infographic showing integrated control of potato late blight.
To children, a farm is a playground but always remember a farm is a workplace with many hidden dangers. In this short clip, Teagasc advisor Claire Mooney gives top tips on keeping children safe on our farms
One third of fatal accidents on Irish farms involve people who are 65 years or older. Most of these are caused by machinery, tractors, livestock or falls from height. Teagasc advisor Aine Butler gives some top tips in this short video for keeping our elderly safe while involved on our farms
Working with livestock is responsible for 20% of farm workplace deaths with over half of these deaths caused by cows and heifers around calving. Teagasc advisor, Peter Mullan runs through some top tips for staying safe while farming with livestock
We are now at the stage where we need to think about our second stage of spray for winter barley. In this video, Steven Kildea, Teagasc Crops discusses when it is time to apply the final spray and also highlights how to protect those leaves that are going to contribute to yield.
Mark Trimble and Eoin Lyons give an update on the crop of Spring Barley on the Kilkenny Monitor farm. Eoin gives an overview of the Teagasc Boormalt Joint Programme and the measures being analysed to try and improve the way the crop is being grown.
Doreen Corridan, Munster Bovine gives an overview of the steps you need to take in order to train a bull for mating. You need to make sure that the bull can actually mate by having it fertility tested and also if he has the desire to mate.
With grass growth increasing on sheep farms now is the ideal time to think about sub dividing fields to maintain grass quality, reduce residency times, increase grass utilisation and improve grass regrowth potential
Michael McManus, Research Technician on the Derrypatrick Herd in Teagasc Grange, Co. Meath gives a brief update on the management and performance of the Derrypatrick Herd so far this year
A brief overview of college life and courses in Teagasc Kildalton College including Agriculture, Horticulture and Equine Studies.
Half of all people will experience a mental illness in their lifetime. Social isolation can have a negative effect on mental health. Social distancing due to COVID 19 will increase the risk of isolation.
We have seen a big change in the grass situation on most sheep farms around the country in recent weeks. There has been an increase in growth rate and as a result we now see a surplus on farms. This presents a challenge in balancing the supply out and maintaining quality for subsequent rotatations.
Doreen Corridan, Munster Bovine highlights the importance of monitoring the young bull throughout the breeding season. It is very easy to miss cows in heat so it is important to use a monitoring device such as a chin ball, scratch pads or scanning.
From increasing biodiversity to providing renewable building material that also acts as a carbon store; trees provide so much. This video asks you to consider the benefits of trees and how we can each play our part in increasing the level of forest cover in Ireland.
Tom Coll, Teagasc outlines why you should footbath your sheep and also gives an overview of the steps you should take in the preparation of creating your footbath.
Emer Kennedy and JP Murphy give an update on the progress to date of the 2020 born calves in the dairy research farm at Teagasc Moorepark.
Michael Gottstein, Head of Sheep, Teagasc explains that there's a number of different options in terms of the control, treatment and prevention of blowfly strike in sheep. Michael gives an overview of the different pour-ons on the market and also demonstrates the best way to apply it.
The majority of spring barley crops established excellently well this year due to perfect seedbed conditions around sowing time. In this video Eoin Lyons, Teagasc Crops explains when the timing is right to apply the first fungicide.
The T2 fungicide applied at flag leaf in winter wheat is hugely important, but this year presents a very interesting challenge. Steven Kildea, plant pathologist at Oak park explains how to weave your way through this minefield of choice to select the most effective programme.
Michael Fagan, Teagasc Technician for Newford Farm gives an update on the beef calves and yearlings in the herd. The majority of Newford suckler cows and calves were turned out to grass on the 20th of March and have stay out at grass due to the excellent weather since then.
Progress is underway on an experiment investigating the options for finishing hill and store lambs on forage based diets. In this video Frank Campion, Teagasc Sheep gives an update on how it's going as well as an overview of the project.
Michael Fagan, Teagasc and farm manager Iarlaith Collins, Dawn Meats give an update on the breeding season so far this year in the early maturing herd of Newford Suckler Demonstration Farm in Athenry, Co. Galway.
Final fungicide in winter oats is critical to prevent diseases such as mildew and crown rust from infecting the panicle which will affect grain quality and yield. In this video, Shay Phelan, Teagasc Crops Specialist tells us more.
Teagasc Grass10 have been helping farmers in the east where growth was declining. Eugene Lawler managed to hold rotation & farm cover in south Kildare. See how rain affects growth and make decisions accordingly!
James Brady gives an overview of the fruit and vegetable enterprise at the Teagasc College of Horticulture Botanic Gardens
Principal of the Teagasc, College of Horticulture National Botanic Gardens John Mulhern gives a overview of the horticulture enterprise.
A diry farmer since 2011 Conor Beausang talks about managing cash on his farm and the value of the Teagasc Cost Control Planner
The most profitable dairy beef systems are those that achieve high levels of grass production & utilisation. Grass is the cheapest source of feed yet & when managed correctly will create high output grass based systems.
Mushroom Advisor Donal Gernon talks to Alan Doakes from Axis Technology about their automated mushroom picking system
It’s a busy time of year on tillage farms with key decisions about crop management being taken. In this clip, we get a quick look at some of the commercial crops in Oak Park in the 3rd week of May with John Hogan outlining some of the crop management strategies to date.