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Teagasc Virtual Forest Walks 2021

Teagasc are organising a nationwide series of virtual forest walks via Zoom from April 12 to 21 focusing on the management of young forests. Each Teagasc Forestry Advisor will host a webinar in their area focusing on local forest management needs, demonstrating why it is essential to care for young forests.

Teagasc Virtual Forest Walks 2021

Dr Nuala Ní Fhlatharta, Head of the Teagasc Forestry Development Department said: “New forests require several years of active management to become well established regardless of the type of woodland, or tree species. If a forest is not well looked after, the overall health of the forest could be compromised, affecting both biodiversity value and future timber revenue. It is therefore very important that all forest owners understand the needs of a young forest. This is also true if the management of the forest has been subcontracted out for the first four years. After all, it is the owner that will benefit most from well looked after trees.”

Correct and timely forest management is also essential for payment of the second instalment of the Afforestation Scheme (‘4-year maintenance grant’) and forestry premium is subject to the forest successfully achieving certain standards.

Steven Meyen, Teagasc Forestry advisor said: “These events will be a visual 'walk through' discussing various management topics as a new forest is developing. This will allow forest owners to recognise potential problems and how to address them. Vegetation control, damage from browsing animals, nutrient needs, shaping of broadleaf trees, and reducing fire risk will be discussed.”

These on-line forest events are aimed at landowners who have established a new forest in the last few years and at landowners who are considering planting some land. They will be held through Zoom. Duration is one hour. Following registration, you will be sent an access link a few days prior to the event. It is recommended that you attend your 'local' event as discussions will be more relevant to the location of your forest. Visit for more details and to register:
